Jw veneration of thier leader's is MORE insidious than most. They rationalize mistakes with one liner diversions; 'respect the office not the man', 'jehovah used him, even though he was imperfect', 'even Paul was weak' then in the next breath they eulogize the leader by immortalizing some event or act of the individual.
In Charles Taze case, they never tire of pointing to the 'little bible study-group' in the late 1800's, that was the catalist for modern day jwdom. They fail to mention that he CTR had to invest his considerable wealth, his business prowess to establish the religion, since their really was no significant radio, no tv, no internet, the only way to stardom was publishing. If the local newspaper's wouldn't print it...then you had to do it on your own.
So ole Charles was pretty savy, he not only started printing his visions, but came up with the unpaid distributor's, who willingly spread the message.....and kept coming back for more.
Everyone of them after have used the same methods. The Apostle Paul being the first in a long line of cult promoter's who have enjoyed world wide adulation.
Whether jw's own up to it or not, the fact of the matter is, it's historical truth.