Born into it

by A Paduan 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Solace

    I blame the society not my family.

    I used to be angry at my family but I actually feel sorry for them now. At least I am free from the pain and guilt they continue to carry. They are victims and were just doing what they thought was right by bringing me up in the organization. It would help if they were just a little less close minded though. This sometimes angers me.

  • StinkyPantz
  • Mulan

    I don't blame my family. I think they are victims of victims. I feel sorry for Mom because she still believes it so desperately. It's a pitiable situation, not worthy of blaming anyone.

    My brother, on the other hand, blames both parents. He blames Dad for not stopping Mom, because he never believed it, and just went along for the ride. And he blames Mom for being crazy, and swallowing the BS. He is very bitter. But the organization took his wife.............she died for not having a blood transfusion. I guess he deserves to be bitter.

  • SweatPea

    I wasn't born into it but I think by the JW's knocking on the door was a sign from above for my mother. She was in the process of turning on the gas when they knocked. She was going to gas us three kids and herself that day they came to our house. They saved us..............or did they?

  • garybuss


    My parents were ignorant and foolish but what they did then was forgivable. What they do now is evil and willful and is not forgivable.

    They will die serving their precious book publishing company without ever seeing even one of the rewards promised to them or without seeing even one prediction come true.



  • razorMind

    Kind of both, I's really hard to say. Of course, the statement that they "did what they thought was best and out of love" is one that's beaten nearly to death every time I see them.

    The way we were raised was so weird that it defies explanation. My mother is a Dub's Dream; non-knowing, non-caring about anything that exists outside the JW box. A true puppet of the org., fanatically reciting the doctrines and will go into near-hysteria if someone questions them. BUT!!! still desperately trying to maintain the "elder's family" image, at the cost of her own children. I foresee a nervous breakdown in her future. My dad is different--smart, sensible, and inquisitive. I don't see how he CAN'T see that things are wrong with the org.

    I'm really unsure how to answer. I do seriously question why they did some of the things they did. I'm really in an angry stage at them right now. But sometimes I feel really, really sad for them.

  • minimus

    I would never blame my parents for my upbringing as a JW. My mother did what she was led to believe was right. 50 years later it's still tough to change but there's progress.

  • rocky220


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