Are you passionate about life?

by MARTINLEYSHON 13 Replies latest jw friends


    Hey Mark

    It was good to speak with you also. How does this sound for a profound statement, " The only way to create your future is to invent it"

    That is all that is left for us ex dubs, to make our dreams reality, to focus our lives in a positive way and allow universal truth to be our guide.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Martinleyshon, how about Montreal Canada? The fall weather is great here, especially for golf.

    Guest 77

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond

    How did we get off the opening subject?

  • beckyboop

    YES! I am passionate about life (finally)--thanks for asking Martin. Not only did I leave the borg

    about 4 years ago, but my now ex-husband and I decided to divorce amicably and a few months

    later I met the man I'm with now. We have started a new life together in Rhode Island, and appreciate

    reading about and trying different things to keep our relationship alive. We have implemented different

    ideas and practices from tantra, Buddhism, Hinduism etc. Doing so has certainly helped us to grow

    together spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and sexually.

    My life has changed drastically since leaving the borg--so much so that some of my friends who

    also are ex-jw's are somewhat amazed at how different I am and how unafraid I "seem" to be.

    I certainly still have many fears to overcome, but am finding that each day I can take new steps to be

    the person I want to be--I'm inventing it as I go along! Thanks for posting the great tips--I will definitely

    be adding them to my collection.


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