See, I was thinking about bringing some winos with me to the memorial. Seeing that to me, it would only be worth going to if we could get the party started right. See, I missed last memorial, being DFed. But I thought to myself, "Okay, we have alcohol, a sound system and a large building at our disposal once a year. It's party time baby!!". So, I was thinking, you know, invite a load of people, including a few winos. The alcohol is already there. And there's already food in case anyone gets the munchies. All I have to do is bring some good music to dance to (Kingdom Melodies just don't cut it). Maybe we could also have a punk rock band there performing on the podium. And I could invite Bub. Me and Bub go way back. He's my roomie in hell. Me and Bub (Beelzebub) are tight. So what do you think?? DJ-ing and live music, heavy alcohol consumption and crackaz. Think they'd go for it?? The attendance would be high so the numbers would look good. Oh, and everyone consuming alcohol there would be considered "anointed".