this just isn't my day, [:(]

by orangefatcat 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    Today has been as rough day for me. I got up this morning hoping our van would pass the ontario emission tests for clean driving. We put 400.00 dollars to make sure it would pass and it didn't pass it failed and to beat that we are at our daughters home a couple of hours away from our home. We have been here since Friday to enjoy the long weekend and our son in law was doing the work on our van to save us money. otherwise the work would have cost us double. well now that the emissions test failed Marco and our daughter are at Canadian Tire for some more parts and we are hoping tomorrow to retry the test. Of course the money we used to repair the van was the money for our rent. So if it fails tomorrow, I think i will jump of a bridge.

    But that is not all, this morning when I woke up I was feeling ill at ease and just plain not myself, and all this day and when I sat down at the computer I noticed the date was the third of Sept. Well i started crying and then my daughter (step) came over to me thinking I was crying about the van, well I told her it was 7 yrs ago today that my father past away. she was so kind and hugged me and I needed that. My dad was an elder to his dying day, and I was the last one to see him alive and then in death. So I was just needing to get that sadness off my chest.

    Thanks for listenning.


  • LB

    Sorry OFC. Today sucks for sure. I doubt any of my vehicles would pass emmisions since I've removed all smog devices from them. No checks if you live in the country in Oregon.

    Some days you just aren't going to win.

  • Dutchie

    OFC, I am so sorry you are having such a horrible day.

    Hang in there, tomorrow has to be better!

    I sure hope you past that emissions test tomorrow. Sending positive vibes your way.

    Love, Dutchie

  • SYN

    Aw, ((((OFC))))), at least your car moves forwards! Mine is currently in a questionable state! I think the gearbox has fallen out!

  • Scully

    (((((((( OFC ))))))))

    <sigh> I've had days a lot like yours. They can be very upsetting, and it seems like things just keep piling on top.

    The emissions testing is new since July - and even though my car was in reasonably good condition - I stressed out over it; unnecessarily as it turns out.

    Things will get better, sweetie. Cats always land on their feet. Right??

    Love, Scully

  • Xandria

    ((( HUGS ))) I know how you feel I lost my mom on Sept. 1, 1994 so another anniversary passed.

    Hang in there.


  • Sentinel


    It's bound to get better!


  • Joyzabel


    some days you just need lots of hugs. This too will pass. Look at all the wonderful friends you have here to help listen to you and give you a hug.


  • Beck_Melbourne


    Girl - you hang in there.

    We all have up days and down days....and I'm terribly sorry to hear you are having a down day. You are one of my favourite canadians...cheer up blossom!!!

    Sorry to hear it is your father's anniversary. Have a good cry...get the frustration out of your system....when you're done...look around you. Your van is being repaired by who??? People who love you. Although it is a financial struggle, you are surrounded by loving family lucky are you?? I only say this because it is my way of dealing with the stress and anxieties of life. We all have them...they come and they go...but for as long as you have those you love around you, life is good!!

    Hugs to you and yours today OFC.


    Edited by - Beck_Melbourne on 3 September 2002 20:10:33

  • ugg

    hugs, hugs, and more hugs.....

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