by minimus 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    A number of news articles this week have centered on that fateful day of 9--11--. Many experts have expressed concern that people seem to be forgetting September 11th. One article claimed that Americans are much less concerned about the potential for more attacks as they are concerned over the economy.There was even a temporary bump in the Organization, because of the fears associated with terrorism. Do you think that you are as concerned about what many say is inevitable? Has 9--11 changed your life forever?

  • Amazing

    Yes. 9-11 has affected me. It is a day I will never forget. I watched live as the second plane hit the south tower. Some of my values were confirmed, some were shaken, and some were changed forever.

  • minimus

    I second that, Amazing!!!

  • LB

    It's changed us all. Now I understand how my parents felt when Oahu was hit by the Japanese. My mom said she felt violated, then angry. But the attack on Hawaii at least made more sense than the attack on the WTC. This was pure hatred.

  • Amazing

    Hi LB:

    But the attack on Hawaii at least made more sense than the attack on the WTC. This was pure hatred.

    I agree with you 100%. Also, Japan was an identifiable nation that we could comprehend. This Al Qaeda bunch and those who support them are a hard target to see and find. I think we were lucky with Afghanistan, in that there were a concentrated group of Al Qaeda and Taliban supporters. Now, as I watch the weasel-spined debates going on regarding whether to invade Iraq, it is clear we have already lost focus. This is most difficult, pure hatred coming from an invisible target. How will we ever really deal with it?

    Edited by - Amazing on 3 September 2002 22:55:34

  • LDH

    It didn't help that I was 7 months pregnant, and also watched live as events unfolded. The fact was that we know people who worked in that building; my husband's family also lives a few short blocks away.

    What made me sad wasn't so much that "America was being attacked." I felt more sadness over the fact that this is the way MUCH of the rest of the world lives on a daily basis. Instead of finding non-violent solutions it seems that there are always a few tyrants willing to sacrifice OTHER people's lives for their beliefs. That's what made me the saddest.

    I cried and cried all day long, gave myself a migraine.

    This year I plan to lessen the emotional impact by minimizing how much television I expose myself to.


  • Mulan

    It definitely impacted my life. My cousin, Sharon had died on September 6, and her son and his wife, who live in New York, were still staying at my home. I woke them to tell them what was happening. We were glued to the TV for days. They finally rented a car to drive home, too afraid to fly.

    I think about it often, and hope I never put it in the past, too far. It was so close to Sharon's death, and my stepfather's death, two weeks earlier, that it hit my emotions hard.

  • Princess

    I canceled a trip to New Hampshire in October out of fear stemming from 9/11. I couldn't see why I should take a risk with my son and leave my husband and then three year old daughter to pick up the pieces. I felt very calm after cancelling the trip. The F-14 fighters that flew over our house the week of 9/11 really kept me on edge. We seem to live under a flight pattern and hear jets and small aircraft all the time. That week of silence broken only by the air force jets was eerie. They woke me up at night.

    Now I am back traveling. I took the NH trip in July with both my kids and Mulan and I are taking the kids to Disneyland next week. I try not to live in fear.


  • Scully

    Do you remember the kind of feelings you got - for example at the summer series of 85 when one of the speakers remarked about 1986 being the "International Year of Peace" - thinking that prophecy was about to be fulfilled, and that Armageddon was coming soon on the heels of that declaration of "Peace and Security"??

    When I was a kid, I remember that "Peace and Security" declaration was to be the beginning of the end. I think it was either 1974 or 1975, the WTS stepped up the hype on the "Peace and Security" declaration by the nations. For some reason, my family ended up watching the Queen's New Year's speech and she concluded her remark with wishes for "Peace and Security". A collective gasp came from my parents and me.

    On 9-11 last year, I turned on the TV and was flipping through channels. I stopped on CNN to see the billowing smoke come from the WTC after the first plane hit. I remember the reporter commenting that it must have been a freak accident. I watched as the second plane struck.

    When the third plane went down, and then the fourth, the scripture about "signs in heaven" flashed in my mind. For a fraction of a second I thought, "Maybe the JWs were right after all." I wondered if Armageddon was imminent. I wondered how I was going to talk about it with my kids.

    I still see the images of the WTC towers collapsing and the impact of the airplanes in my mind's eye. I'll never forget where I was, or what I was doing when the events unfolded.

    I don't take my safety for granted anymore. I don't take my freedom for granted anymore either. There are people out there who are dedicated to the protection of others, who risk their own lives so that we can live with a relative sense of security. I'll never take those people for granted again.

    Love, Scully

  • minimus

    9-11 and its aftermath was the most depressing time for me. It really helped me to appreciate all the GOOD, DECENT, SELF-SACRAFICING people out there. It sickened me to hear the Witnesses view that at least we can give people the "real message of hope". What a slap in the face to every firefighter and policeman that risked or lost their life. All those poor, poor people that died so horribly! May we never forget them and what they stood for!


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