JW or LDS???
Let's Play a Game Using Instagram... JWS or LDS?
by freemindfade 42 Replies latest social humour
JW -
the comet
I'm going LDS. -
the answer:
1000 points to the comet lol
jw because the men do not have name badges. I assume the women have them but not with ELDER on them.
Short sleeved white dress shirts gave it away for me!
What a fun game!
Great idea freemind~
Men without coats: LDS
Men with bike-messenger-style bags: LDS
Ladies without bags (chivalrous men carrying the load): LDS
BUT older than college age: JW
Odds are they are LDS, but they might be JW.
All who said LDS are correct -
I wonder if they tie their ties just a little too short on purpose. LDS style? And do they wear black pants so you can't see their funky underwear through them?
in one of my social circles I identified a young woman as Mormon just because of a particular look in her eyes and she has a daughter named 'Miriam.' I went to her Fb page and YEP, recent trip to the big temple in Salt Lake City!
JWS or LDS?...