It's been a long road...

by safe4kids 26 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • safe4kids

    As many of you know, I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. I'm also a survivor of being raised a JW. I'm ALSO a survivor of dealing with sex abuse AS a JW...LOL. Anyway, due to help from some friends that I've made on this board, I have the opportunity to go to the SilentLambs March in NYC later this month.

    My point in posting this is to ask you to share in celebrating with me the strides made by so many who have been damaged by the WTS, whether due to sexual abuse or not. Pain is pain, plain and simple. I feel excited and, at the same time, a bit humbled, to know that I will be joining with others to do something concrete to express our pain and anger towards those who have victimized us. Most importantly, to me anyway, is that this will serve notice that we are aware there are many still suffering from the WTS's policy regarding the (non)reporting of child abuse.

    I suppose that what I would really like to communicate here is what I am feeling at the prospect of being a part of this venture. So many of us have been hurt in so many ways by this religion...some, like Sentinel, have lost their families, and their pain is immediate and fresh...some, like Expatbrit and HadEnough, live with the shadow and threat of losing loved ones, with the possibility of pain on the horizon...some, like Outnfree, are redefining who they are post-WTS, some, otoh,like Think41self are lucky to have a wonderful, beautiful, sexy, I got off track! . My point is that, for me personally, this march isn't just about the pain of sexual abuse victims, it's a loud roar for ALL who have suffered.

    At any rate, I'm very excited to be a part of giving the Lambs a public voice; it's been a long road for me and I've learned so much, especially in the past year. I've done a lot of growing, I've done a lot of hurting, and I've done a lot of healing. So...let's party on dudes!!


  • Joyzabel

    wow (((Dana)))

    good for you to be able to heal and move on.

    Will be with you there in NYC


    then we will PARTY!!!!!

  • DakotaRed

    Dana, good for you. Abuse can be survived and overcome. Many of us have shown that.

    Although I cannot attend the march, I hope it has a real impact and people wake up to the fact of how criminals misuse the Bible and religion to hide their acts.

    As I said to the GB in my letter, it does not bring reproach on God to admit to an error and correct it. Lying about it and covering it up does.

  • ISP

    Nice one Dana! I am sure the March will make a point to the WTS and all onlookers.


  • Dutchie

    Dana, that's so cool. I'll be at the march and I can't wait to meet you. If you need a stuffed lamb I have a box full of them. Just let me know. Love, Dutchie

  • safe4kids

    Hey Dutchie! I'm so glad you're going to be there and yes I would love to get a couple of lambs from you, I promise I'll even pay for them

    Here's a song that has always struck me as being so appropriate to what many of us went thru growing up as JWs, with the Borg as our "mother"; let me know if any of you can relate or tell me if I'm just off my rocker

    Edwin McCain


    Tim he was a good friend
    Yea was a brother of mine
    We were imaginary comic book superheroes
    Kids wasting time
    We were prisoners of our youth
    We were growing up strong
    'Til the day he was taken away
    For something he did wrong

    Tim came 'round just the other day
    And boy he had some stories to tell
    His mama kept him locked up in a rehab
    Although the doctors said he was well
    He said yeah I been through the anger
    And the hatred towards my mom
    And I put all that behind me
    Just tell me what was it like to go to your prom

    He said thank you mom for fixing
    My clouded broken mind
    But excuse me if I seem a little rude
    While I was missing my childhood, my brother and my prime
    You enjoyed the convenience of my solitude

    Well growing up these days just ain't easy
    And the kids they're doing the best that they can
    So mama you better think twice
    Before you lock your kid up and throw away the key
    'Cause soon your little boy is gonna be a man

    He said thank you mom for fixing
    My clouded broken mind
    But excuse me if I seem a little rude
    While I was missing my childhood, my brother and my prime
    You enjoyed the convenience of my solitude

    Tim left town yesterday
    He left me with these words
    He said yeah I know this life's got a lot to give
    But my childhood is gone
    And I'm not afraid of dying
    I'm gonna grab the world by the horns and learn how to live

    He said thank you mom for fixing
    My clouded broken mind
    But excuse me if I seem a little rude
    While I was missing my childhood, my brother and my prime
    You enjoyed the convenience of my solitude


  • Dutchie

    Pay me? Are you kidding. It will be my pleasure to give you as many as you want.

    Just between you and me, they were on sale at a store I passed so I bought a bunch of them!

  • LDH
    I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I am a survivior of JWs, I am a survivor of childhood abuse AS a JW.


    You hit the trifecta, girl. Now you are cashing out to spend your winnings.

    You get to live the rest of your life as a caring, compassionate human being who doesn't need a religion to tell them right from wrong.

    And yes, think 41self does have a beautiful, loving, sexy sister. You guys are lucky to have each other.


  • LyinEyes

    Dana, you are so very strong, and it is wonderful to see how someone can overcome the worst thing that could happen, and still never be broken. You have a strong spirit , as many abuse victims here have and I wish I could see all of you at that march. Please take many pictures!!!I There are many of us who can't make it , but we will be feeling that we too are represented by those of you who are going , and know our stories too. I am so excited for all of you ............I know it will be another great milestone in your recovery. Hugssssssssssss Dede

  • Lin

    Dana, I'm thrilled for you that you are able to participate in the March for those of us who've been abuse and victimized by the Org. We will be with all of you in spirit! I won't be able to focus on my work that day for sure! I can hardly wait to see and read posts on how everything went and seeing it on television, newspapers, radio etc. I wish I could be there, but I'm so glad many of you are able to go, please keep us all in mind, knowing you will representing all of us.

    ((((((Hugs for all of you)))))

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