Holy bat shit Robin!!!!! Im so looking forward to this weekend. It starts tonight with dancing and me getting drunk, (hope to get Dede drunk to for my own selfish reasons). My boy has a football game Friday; I will watch college ball Saturday, and Sunday Pro Football. Can you say NFL? And no damn Saturday service, no Sunday meeting, elder meetings, just drinking, dancing, sex, cheering, eating, and FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Life is good on the weekends!!!!!!
by WildTurkey 11 Replies latest jw friends
"standing ovation!!"
well hot damn!! slap my ass and call me nancy! heehee
****** APPLAUDING Wild Turkey *******
Yes, You're Right, WT!
Life is Good on the Weekends especially now that FootBall Season Starts.
Just be sure you don't follow Lot's example and bang your daughters while you're drunk!!
Ken P.
I enjoy my weekends too.......cause that is when I get to see my Filthy! W/him working out of town during the week, seeing him on the weekends is like we are back dating again! **wink**wink**
Turkey you ARE a Neanderthal LOLOL!!
I think Dede going to catch on to you, you just might be so drunk you won't know what shes got planned for you. could be good, could be bad. Have fun
Have a good one WT,I will raise my glass on Saturday night(numerous times I expect).
Enjoy the fine Spiritual Food given to us at the Proper Time (TM)!