Dubs showed up at Dallas press conference

by Jesika 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jesika

    Joy--yes please tell me how that goes--it is gonna be on TV? Are you being interviewed cause of abuse and the lack of action by the dubs?

  • Farkel


    So I suppose you're going to tell us they didn't offer you a "Free Home Bible Study(tm)?"


  • Jesika

    LOL @ Farkel

    They sure didn't and I gave them a lamb and everything *stomping feet*---------------LMAO

  • Elsewhere


    Way to go! I wonder if the JWs just happened upon you, or if they knew in advance...

    Sorry I wasn't there... the bad people at work wanted me at my desk.

  • LDH

    Perhaps Jesika you should be better prepared next time!

    Take some stuffed goats for the elders, LMAO!!!!


  • Larry

    Music to my ears

    I think you guys set the standard. I'm sure this will be a trend and the BORG will send a letter to all congregations, warning them of future activities.

    Let me just say that 7 people, including myself showed up at the NY protest site (Bethel) but the press didn't show up

    Thanks again Jes and Co. And please keep us informed.

    Peace - LL

  • Lin

    Whooooooo-Hoooooooo Jesika! You all did great!!! Man I wish I could have been there, instead of just helping make the signs last night! Argh!!!!! I would have loved to help pass out those flyers too!!! I'm really tempted to print off a whole ton of 'em and pick a Saturday morning, follow Dubs going out in service and start at the other end of the block and work towards the Dubs with the flyers, warning them...Here They Come Now!!! LOL I think it would be a hoot!!!!!

  • rocky220

    ((((((HIGH "5" WITH JESIKA&VALIS!!!!!)))))))......ROCKY220

  • BluesBrother

    Fantastic Jesika !

    Keep up the good work , Maybe even one person will be influenced to stop their study, or one kid will think again about getting baptised.. making it all worthwhile

  • ItsJustlittleoldme
    they might call 2 Elders <gasp>

    Hey, I lost a perfectly good soda all over my computer screen when I read this... <still laughing>

    Oh, and I think a box of stuffed goats for the elders would be great!!!!!!!

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