According to wt there are many different levels of deadness.
1. Second death - about as dead as you can get
2. First death - as dead as the second one, except that their god has remembered you
3. The walking dead - that's all the nondub people walking around dead, but they don't know it
4. Walking dead apostates - walking dead apostates are deader than the regular walking dead, because they knew more, so they deserve to be deader. Most apostates don't believe that they are dead. Often dubs can't tell that apostates are really dead, unless somebody else tells them
5. Dead dubs - dubs who have missed a few months of door to door sales activity are dead, but only lightly dead. If they can move enough in this lightly dead state, to knock on one door for 15 minutes, then they are alive again, and all the angels rejoice, and have a party
6. Spiritually dead - this is the death that hit adam and eve the day they ate the poison fruit. No one is sure just how dead they really were, as god didn't disfellowship them. He still talked to them. He didn't stone them, as he later decided should be done to such ones. Did they deny god's spirit? Since god only acts by means of his spirit, if they were dead to it, then they wouldn't have heard him when he talked to them
Wt dead, explained for dummies.
Feel free to add to the list, or enlarge on the definitions.