The Oct. 15 Watchtower contains an interesting Question
From Readers - "Would it be a form of interfaith to purchase
a building from another religious group and convert it into
a Kingdom Hall?".
The article warns about "unbelievers", "relics of false
worship", and that there be no sharing of "fellowship
between true and false worship."
As an example, it offers a photograph of a synagogue
which "was purchased and renovated into a Kingdom Hall."
What wonderful guidance the 'faithful slave' gives us
in warning us of the dangers of associating with Jews!
How unmistakeable is their message of these Hebrews'
false religion!
What a wonderful day it will be, in God's New Order,
when Jesus, as Jehovah's Field Marshall will have slaughtered
every single Jew at Armageddon! Only by killing everyone of these
supporters of false worship will the earth be clean.
While others have tried to do this and failed, we must
remember that "with God all things are possible".
Yes, friends one day the earth will indeed be Jew-free
as God wipes out all false religion.
Watchtower uber alles
metatron (Next month: Is it still a holocaust, if God does it?)