Shunned Father's daughter dies

by Joyzabel 17 Replies latest social current

  • MegaDude

    I feel sad for everybody all the way around: The daughter, the mother, the father.

    I hate the lies the Watchtower fosters upon trusting people, and the WT leaders know are lies, but, frankly, I remember there was a time when I would have died rather than dare accept a blood transfusion. If I rewound time about 10 years ago, I would have been where the mother was, fighting for the daughter's right to refuse blood.

    Everybody suffered. They suffered needlessly, and all because the leaders of Jehovah's Witnesses don't have the guts or the integrity to admit they were WRONG about the blood issue.

    Edited by - megadude on 6 September 2002 0:3:25

  • BeautifulGarbage

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Mr. Hughes))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


    ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Mrs. Hughes and daughter)))))))))))))))))))))))) because I'm a Mom, too.

    I know this will only "strengthen" Mrs. Hughes "faith". Because to slightly dare to question doctrines EVER in her lifetime will mean she participated in her daughters death.


  • concerned mama
    concerned mama


    My deepest condolences.

    concerned mama

  • teejay
    "I did what I think any decent father would do -- try to save their child's life at any cost," he said.

    "I'd do it all over again. I have no guilt whatsoever nor any regrets."

    Hard to argue with that. My man is definitely a decent father. Maybe his family will see it one day.

  • sunscapes

    OK. I haven't posted in a while...but I just saw an interview with the two parties' lawyers on CTV Canada AM this morning. Shane, the girl's mother's lawyer, said in closing that the mother "would have supported her daughter no matter what decision she made."

    To quote Wayne Gretzky, I suspect that that's a "crock of bull."

    At sixteen, though, maybe more credence should have been allowed to make her own medical choices as a "mature minor".

    Having said that, I'm not a fan of transfusions...if I had no other clear choice I would take them, but I would rather have my own blood stored and then reinfused if the circumstances permitted it (i.e. elective surgery.)

    Other than that, I just shake my head at what acrimony religious beliefs cause.

  • JT

    As many of us look back at our lives and we often get MAd as Hell and anger with the way our life turned out. One can only wonder how this mother will feel the day she realizes what we do.

  • hawkaw


    I know what battles you have fought and unfortunately still have to fight.

    As a former person from Belleville too, I was moved by your family's plight.

    I am so sorry for what has happened and wish you peace.


  • Scully

    This is just so sad.

    Lawrence & Family: my thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.

    Love, Scully

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