I think I have figured out.
Jesus is a god, but there is only one God "Jehovah". But Jesus can be called a god because there are really many gods like Satan and the Worldly Authorities. But these are not really gods but false gods because there is only one "True God". Of course Jesus is not a false god but just a lesser god. Even though he is not "The God" he is truely a god, unlike so-called gods who are really false gods. Isaiah even goes so far as to call him "mighty god". So now that we've determined that we have "The God" Jehovah and the lesser mighty god Jesus. It must be pointed out that Jesus is really the Archangel Michael. So it basically boils down to just one God and they are the one True God Jehovah and the other lesser mighty god Micheal the Archangel aka Jesus.
It couldn't be any clearer.