Sexual Offender in my hall.

by PandaJ 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • abbagail

    Re: sex offender websites: Not sure about all the other 49 states, but Florida has it's OWN Dept. of Law Enforcement website, with an entire section of that site set aside for the Sex Offender Registry. It is free to use. I would first look and use freely (without paying a fee) for each state's website.

    I was confused by the term "discharged" -- that this man's case has been "discharged." In the online dictionary I found what seems to me to be two contradictory meanings: 6.a. Dismissal or release from ... confinement. 7. Law. An annulment or acquittal; dismissal, as of a court order. --- So, does this mean this man was charged, served time, and now has been discharged from confinement? Or does it mean he was charged but never convicted, hence he was acquitted and/or his case was annulled?

    Either way I agree with the others: The percentage of girls who make up abuse stories is like 1 out of 100. So I would ALWAYS believe the girls before the offender. And as for the Mom saying, "The girls were lying," that to me is exactly what I would expect out of the average JW (denial in the face of evidence).

    Ditto, too, on what the others have said re: perverts and their internet activities. That is a huge red flag, imho!

    And Big Tex, No, I do NOT think you are being overly paranoid or overly sensitive. You are SMART. Maybe it takes experience to become SMART and acutely aware. I agree with Francois 100% that most people are still like "Duhhhhhh" when they should NOT be at this late date re: child sex abuse. Also AGREE: Pedo's and Pervs do NOT stop until they are stopped. See the thread today re: Judge Judy on Larry King last night.

    Please do as Lady Lee suggested: Call the Sex Crimes Unit of your local PD, and tell the detective there about everything you have seen (his computer files) and what you have heard (your wife's Mom's info), and what you read at the criminalfiles website. This way they will be AWARE of him if they are not already. I did this concerning my pedophile uncle when I first learned about him. I called the Sex Crimes detective of the city where he lives and had an hour discussion on the phone with the detective. Why? Because the pedo uncle is likely still at it, and this way the PD will know about his history should any other cases come forward.

    The least of my worries would be this man's reputation. If you found out later it really was a big mistake, you could always make a public apology in the newspaper or whatever, but I hardly think that will ever be the case. Pedo's are very charming and likeable people! That's how they fool everyone and continue on for as long as they do. Don't give him a chance!

    Lastly, unless it is illegal to use the US Mail for this, why not print out what you know about this man, and send a copy to every person in the congregation (anonymously). Or maybe leave fliers in the KH bathrooms? in the library? on the seats in the auditorium? or taped outside the door? or, better yet, during several meetings (to make sure you reach everyone) go out and slide one copy under the windshield wipers of every car! And to cover all of the "worldly" people in the town where this man lives, do as Lady Lee said and call the local PD. Also, check the Megan's Law website for more info.

    Thanks for sharing your concerns, an we await a follow-up report.


  • Scully

    Print out the information from the website and mail it anonymously (from another town if necessary) and send it to every family in the congregation. They have the right to know that there is a registered sex offender near their children. Hell, I'd even send it to HIS house too.

    Either he'll move, or he'll be so deathly afraid of getting busted that he'll leave the children alone.

    PS If you EVER see him going door-to-door alone, call the police and have him arrested.

    Love, Scully

  • orangefatcat

    Hell yes, If I saw him going door to door I would report him to the cops, and I would go one step further. On a Saturday morning I would watch to see if he goes out in the service and then follow them to the area he is working in and then I would call the cops and say where he is. And then he will be arrested in front of all the other witnesses he is working with. That ought to kill him. He deserves everything he gets.

  • abbagail

    Panda, would you be willing to tell us what state this man is in?

    Maybe some of us are in the same state or city. And, if so, we'd sure like to know who this person is.

    Excellent advice from scully and orangefatcat re: him going out him service alone or otherwise. I wonder if the man has any legal restrictions on him? Is Megan's Law in your state? etc. etc.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Now wopuldn't it be interesting if you followed him out in service and got a picture of him going door to door alone!!!

  • simplesally

    I would tell EVERY parent in the hall. I would probably do it by way of flyers or anonymous mail to their homes. A picture of the man and the sex offender list from the city with his name highlighted.

    Mail yourself a flyer as well because after all the flyers are out, I'd go to the "brother" with your post-marked envelope with enclosed flyer and tell him what you saw on his computer, that you feel he could be molesting again and that you are watching him. After all, he is not supposed to be looking at porn on the net. Then tell the elders you got a flyer in the mail, its true because you sent it to yourself, and tell them about the porn on his computer!

    I would make it extremely uncomfortable to be near your family and the families you know!!

  • Cassiline


    The point I was trying to make. If the elders and her mother had approached the police or trained professionals when your childhood friend made the abuse charge against her uncle. Perhaps trained professionals may have seen she was lying to get out of trouble for getting caught being promiscuous. Thus the charges may have never smeared his name. And your friend would have been caught in a lie and may have gotten the help she so desperately needed in the first place.

    I wonder what would have taken place if the alleged abuse had been reported to the police or Social Work Services? Perhaps instead of untrained individuals? Maybe the police or SWS would have seen a plea for help? Thus the lie your friend made up may have been ousted with your help before the her uncle's name was smeared.~~cassiline

    Hugs to you Chevysntats for it must have been a hard place to be in as a 13-year-old.

  • Dia

    The REASON there is a sex offender registry is because citizens of this country have a RIGHT TO KNOW of convicted sex offenders in their area.

    You have every right to share information with anyone and everyone you choose to. You ALL have a right to know.

    If the WTS tries to silence you, they would be depriving you of your right to free speech.

    If you want to know what 'discharged' means, call the PD and ask them. My guess is that it means he served his time and now he's out. But the PD would be the horse's mouth on this.

    I think it's a great idea to get a photo of him going door-to-door. But before, during or after you do anything, call Bill Bowen and get his input.

    This might present a great opportunity for silentlambs.

    It will be interesting to see if the WTS defends HIS internet rights while condeming everyone else's.

    Regarding the protection of your children, I can't imagine why you're still attending any KH.

    The sorry truth is that just because you've found all this dirt on this guy, that doesn't mean he's the only one there.

    The JW doctrine and the JW policies are at the root of the problem. And, at the present time, they are not going away.

    That's why we're here.

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