Unless convicted by the Church, the Watchtower supports the abuser even if he is convicted in Court, forces victims into silence and will not alert other members of the congregation of the danger. Any discussion with other members of a matter not established by Church elders can be considered slander with a possible penalty of expulsion and shunning by family/friends.
Excellent point.
Watchtower suggests that another member will accompany a rapist in public.
I was under the impression that it's quite possible that "another member" might not even know their accompanying a rapist in public - introducing them to their own family, friends, and neighbors.
But, they will not disclose that the member is not trained to deal with such a sick person or be informed as to why the person must be accompanied at all times in the field. Nor will they disclose that the accompaniment policy is only for pedophiles convicted by the Church not those convicted by a Court. There is nothing in the policy that prevents an abuser from going door to door alone
But those not convicted by the Church itself (even though the Court may have convicted them) are allowed privilege in the congregation and trust with children.
I didn't know this either. Sooooooo, an elder can be a convicted pedophile, but never have two witnesses against him..............so he was never found to be a sinner.....this still an elder.
Only pedophiles convicted internally by the Church are monitored as they move from congregation to congregation.
Are you sure about this?
, in these cases untrained Church elders do the monitoring, without informing members of the danger these individuals - whom the Watchtower Society acknowledges may be notorious repeat offenders - pose to their innocent children.
Since the elders are "untrained volunteers" - as we were, how would we skillfully monitor a child molester? How would we KNOW how to monitor - a skill that professionals are trained for?
Church elders will know of an alleged child molesters history and can take steps to protect their own children, but will not extend that same protection to other children in their congregation by informing parents of the dangerous presence of a child rapist.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, the priveledge of the clergy class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! However, seriously, remember that kid who bought the law suit against his JW neighbor for raping him, and his stepfather had been an elder sitting on that committee which oversaw the evidence of the man raping OTHER kids........and the father never warned his own stepson. The son was told by the Court that his lawyer failed in bringing a substantial case against the WT & the rapist. Best of my memory - the rapist was a "JW brother in good standing." Court papers were on "United Jehovah's Witnesses" - I think. We had a thread about it here a long time ago - I think.
Probably some very Freudian thinking revolving in that stepfather about his son.
Scully & Others - in no way do I mean to pick apart. It's a wonderful news release! Very succinct. I just try to imagine what lawyers try and think about.....and they think about picking words apart for their own benefit. Great information.
Thanks - waiting