Seattle silentlambs Press Conference Video now up!

by Trauma_Hound 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • abbagail

    TH, you're the CHAMP! Thank you so much for putting these videos online for us to see!

    This TV coverage was GREAT! The fact that you guys had an elder who was involved in one such case speak to the reporter was just toooo good! There has to be hundreds of other elders out there who have experienced the same thing. Why are they still hiding in the closets? They should all get their sorry A**'s in gear and get in on this with the SilentLambs. I mean, how much could the WTS take if all the Elders Themselves starting speaking up like this Bro Baker? Tell him Thanks for all of us!

    And, the poor victim who began to cry telling her story! Whoa! That was so sad, but so true, and really should stab everyone in the heart!

    Also fantastic was the fact KOMO showed the WT website where it says "two witnesses" are needed! PERFECT!!! Of course, then they also showed where the WT website says victims can go to the police. But the elder and victim telling their stories on TV outweighs what the WT site says by a MILE!

    Lastly, TH, love your creative additions to these videos at the beginning and the end! I love that! It was good you put the email addy of the reporter at the end, too! Very well done!

    Thanks mucho!

  • stichione

    Great Job! Exposing the WTS like this is priceless!

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