Well isn't this a bunch of BS

by Doctor Who 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Do CO's and GB members feel they are the only ones working whole soul?

    They continue to make the RF feel like sh---T. A bunch of A-holes.

    They love to lord over the sheep, their own personal slaves.

  • Oubliette

    I know this CO. He is a loud mouth opinionated a$$hole.

    That's redundant.

  • Oubliette

    FMF: They are pushing got control. Baptism = control. Marriage = control

    It's all just A Tug on the Leash (The Authority Which the GB Wields Over the R&F)

  • The_Doctor10
    Got to be a CO pushing his own brand of Bible thumping. The RC had a whole part about how "singleness," is a gift. Just another self-righteous JW leader towering over the rank and file.
  • Finkelstein

    The RC had a whole part about how "singleness," is a gift.

    Its only a gift if the individual has realized their lack of personal responsibility and therefore has more time to pioneer.
    The WTS always keeps their based covered to its supporting advantage.

    I wonder if this CO has a sister who is single ???


    Raise your hand if you would be gone YESTERDAY, if you were single with no children!



  • wozza

    Perhaps the WTS figures that single brothers are too able to be free and use their time as they wish.

    But if they can coerce them into marraige the single men would have responsibilities thrust upon them and a nagging wife who will keep them busy in congregational activities and family things ........just saying

  • Vidiot

    John Aquila - "One CO mentioned to us body of elders that we should try to encourage the young single brothers to marry because it makes it harder to leave the truth... he never asked us to encourage the sisters to marry. He said they were good being single..."

    How the hairy blue f**k would that work???

  • Vidiot

    Finkelstein - "The JWS in general have an unusually high divorce rate for a religious institution."

    Well, when the criteria the Org gives for "marriageable mates" involves their loyalty to the org, status in the hierarchy, and amount of door-to-door work they do, instead of, you know, genuine attraction on a personal and physical level...

  • Vidiot
    Whoops, double post.

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