Now in my 40's I went to my first and most probably LAST rock concert last night. I took the wife and kids (if you can still call them that with the youngest taller than me) to see the "Motor City Madman....Ted Nugent. I guess that I am just NOT the rock and roll type. Gee, can you imagine that? <G> The main reason I wanted to go, was because I like the man, and his views. There were several highlights......he dedicated one song to the Army Navy Air force Marines and all our soldiers in uniform, then he dedicated the next song to the "armed forces," which he said were "YOU AND ME!" He then told about how his next song was about the terrorists of the world.....Osama, Saddam, Janet Reno, Jesse Jackson, and others that wanted to take away his guns. I just loved how he grouped Reno and Jackson in with the terrorists. I believe the songs name was "You Can Kiss My Ass." He then got out his compound bow and shot an arrow right into the heart of a life size photo of Saddam from all the way across the stage. (He is VERY good with a bow.) Then since he as on a roll, (the crowd was almost in a frenzy at this point) he went on to say that Reno was Saddams wife, and that yes, she was a whore. God, Guns and Rock and Roll (the tittle of his book)...yeah, that about covered it. <G> Oh and one more thing I thought was very funny.....we were there before the doors opened, and there was a LONG line that we were near the front of. This big mean looking "lady" with SECURITY written across the back of her shirt, comes out with a bull horn and says...."There are no guns, knives, or weapons of any kind allowed inside.....NOW WILL THOSE WITH CAMERAS OR VIDEO RECORDERS TAKE THEM BACK TO YOUR CAR NOW." Maybe I was the only one, but it sure sounded to me like the they HAD to make the announcement about the weps.....but they were more concerned about cameras. <G> BTW, they let me in with my big 'Ole mean Leatherman tool right there on my belt.....we won't mention what was in my pockets. <G>
BTW, some comments about the crowd.....For one thing, it looked like about 98 percent of them were related. And if this crowd was any indication of what society might be like if and when the poop hits the oscillator, people like this will get about one step beyond my fence and locked gate with the BIG sign that reads " ABSOLUTELY NO TRESPASSING!....."A prudent man forseeth the evil and hideth himself; But the simple pass on, and are punished." Then they will be punished. There were of course some nice people there. But it seemed the majority were stoned or drunk out of their minds, stepping on your feet, spilling beer all over, standing right in front of your seat, throwing up in garbage cans, and just being rude in general. I almost had to take one creep down when he came up to my youngest (he's almost 16) and for some unknown reason took a dislike to him. (probably because he was openly looking at this drunken dirty creep with disgust.) I quickly stepped between them (with an almost total stranger....he was setting beside me, and was one of the more "normal" people there....backing me up) This guy in my opinion was way to gone to hear anything I might say, so I just gave him my practiced "don't screw with me" look, and put my finger in his face and then toward the door.....I must say my face really worked good, and he shrunk away not to return. But trust me, it would have been no match....he could hardly stand up as it good push and he would have went flying. <G> All I can say was that it was an interesting experience, and that considering how bad my ears were ringing afterward, I should have taken my Com-Tac hearing protectors. No Ted (the CraveMan) was fond of saying.
TheSurvivor....born enslaved, now living free. <G>