Someone should tell them that when it comes to science, the sound of quacking ducks doesn't mean that they are lined up in a row.
Nor flying in a V formation.
Can you imagine the current GB lasting for centuries through bionics!?!
by fukitol 21 Replies latest jw friends
Someone should tell them that when it comes to science, the sound of quacking ducks doesn't mean that they are lined up in a row.
Nor flying in a V formation.
Can you imagine the current GB lasting for centuries through bionics!?!
LOL! I'd rather look at that tin head on a JW broadcast than see Lett's facial antics any day!
oppostate: Can you imagine the current GB lasting for centuries through bionics!?!
But aren't they getting beamed up to the Mothership?
Mind you, we will be stuck with all those "Society Men" running around in robot bodies bigger than everybody else, and have to get daily updates via from the GB floating somewhere above us.
They will to ask for donations to feed their quacking ducks - seeing as "religion" won't be needed.
In Age of Adeline, the secret to turning off aging was found in 2035. Only 20 more years!
I dunno, you sure? That's a year past the 1914+120 years WT timetable!
But maybe that's what they had in mind when they wrote the article using Noah's Ark illustration to hint at the next possible Armageddon date. WT's New World Order, in the Age of Adeline millions now living will never die!
But an organic brain in a cybernetic body? How long would an organic brain continue viable? Wouldn't the cells decay?
Eventually, technology would probably make it possible to create a fully digitized version of the functioning human brain. That would make it possible to upload ones sentience into a computer. Another alternative is that nanotechnology will progress to the point where a functioning brain can be fully reproduced with inorganic nanotech neurons capable of "reproducing themselves" indefinitely (once energy and raw materials are available) without deteriorating (aging).
I don't think technology will necessarily lead to guaranteed immortality, though. There will always be unforeseen accidents, murders, technical failures, etc. But the prospect of resurrecting persons would definitely be plausible and "human" lifespan - the lifespan of the human mind - will likely increase greatly - hundreds of years at least.
But before this happens - or perhaps in order for this to happen - computer scientists will likely have created the first true artificial intelligence - the first autonomous, self-conscious artificial being. Imagine the legal, social and ethical controversies that will result! We might see the return of institutionalized slavery of intelligent beings, only this time, the intelligent beings will be denied the dignity of being treated like humans simply because they technically aren't. But I think it would be the religious who would advocate not treating them fairly, arguing that they don't have a soul breathed into them by God. But secular, science-based society would argue that they essentially have the same cognitive attributes as humans, and there is no such thing as a soul and so they should be given the same dignity as humans. This could be the defining controversy of the future, dwarfing the current Evolution vs Intelligent design education; and pro-life vs pro-choice controversies, combined. (BTW, have you guys seen the new series Humans? It is just awesome!)
This may all seem rather fanciful but the progression of human technology makes it very plausible. Imagine how fanciful the notion of landing on the moon, would have seemed to people living 500 years ago. But today, humans landing on Mars doesn't seem far fetched.
Know what's really funny?
I can totally see GB members going for this if it became available.
Island Man - "Imagine the legal, social and ethical controversies that will result!"
(assuming the War Against the Machines hasn't already been triggered)