Can someone explain this to me?

by Tinkerbell4125 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tinkerbell4125

    LyinEyes said...*Its the ultimate power tool used by the WT and also a power trip for those who delight in carrying this stupid JW tradition out.

    I do believe that! I never thought of the fact that she might be jealous of me, but I know in other cases where she and my other sister have done things to me that made me feel like they begrudged me....comments they've made, bringing up stuff that happened in the past, things that I don't even remember happening. I couldn't believe it!!!! I'm the type, when somethings in the past, then it's in the past and thats it.

    I was thinking that they acted that way because they were sad and missed me, that they felt I *knew better* and should come back to the truff.


    Naaaaa, you guys are right, their bitches! lol

    p.s. T.R. I love you man!!!! lol

  • happy2b

    Same thing here. I was baptized, so I'm the one shunned. My husband was never baptized, but his family will still talk to him. It's so hypocritical!!

    Glad to be OUT and free!!

    Sharon (happy2b)

  • Dismembered

    TB said : I'm the type, when somethings in the past, then it's in the past and thats it.

    That is a virtue. I wish I could.


  • Xena

    Funny isn't it how they say they shun us to bring us back?? I told my niece I would never go back and it was because I would never worship a God who told his followers to treat someone, especially a family member who never did anything to hurt you, the way my sisters were treating me! So much for their version of "tough love"!

    I do agree that they are jealous of us. We are living the lives they want to...doing the things they want to do but can't. Lol they don't want to wait for God to punish us so they take it upon themselves to do it for him!

    Sorry for your pain Tink! You seem like such a sweet deserve better!

    Edited by - Xena on 7 September 2002 15:20:46

  • imanaliento

    so sorry to hear how you are being treated by your family.

    it is truly a power trip, because the scripture they use is once again taken out of context. it was to be a matter of personal conscience. by not talking to you their control is they won't find out the truth.

    being a christian: how you treat Christ's brothers is how you treat Christ.

  • anewlife

    Tinkerbell: I feel for you and understand you completely!!

    I have a very similar situation. My aunt "walked away" years ago, met a man, moved him in with her, (she finally married him a few years ago), now celebrates all the holidays in a big way and YET when the family gets together, she is always invited and treated just the same. Then there's my sister....a MAJOR fence rider! (Don't get me wrong, I love her to pieces, I just have no patience for hypocrisy.) She RARELY attends meetings, dates worldly men, even steals from Wal-Mart, swears, celebrated Christmas with me last year and birthdays and yet because she is a fence rider and "kisses the asses" of those who bend over, nothing is said or done and she continues to be accepted by the family as part of the family. I myself am DF'd and am shunned to the ultimate extreme! What really infuriates me to know end sometimes is KNOWING all this stuff my sister does and I don't even come close to doing anything of the sort! Yet I say nothing to no one because I love my sister and really don't want her to feel the "shunning" that I do because it's HORRIBLE!

    What an absolutely screwed up organization!....and ever so glad to be completely OUT!!!!!


  • little witch
    little witch


    The JW's ''dicipline'' only those they feel will come back into the fold. Unfortunatly, that means if you have family still in, you are worth pressuring. I really think this is true.

    I am glad for your post, cause I have thought about this for so long. It is my experience, that the local congregations are kept small, not to be ''cozy'' but so they can keep tabs on whom you are related to, who you love, the most, so they can turn those tables on you, to keep you ''in''.

    I hope you stay strong, hun. Giv'em hell!


  • Sentinel

    Hi Tink,

    I tend to agree with the consensus that if you make a stand against the JW doctrines, in any way shape or form then you are "marked" in a special way. You can be a totally inactive JW, into all types of stuff, but if no one has ever heard any remarks made against the doctrines, etc., they feel freer to include such ones at gatherings. It sounds like this is what is occuring with you and CC.

    It isn't fair. It isn't right. It isn't loving. It isn't logical and you can't figure it out, because it doesn't make sense. But, none the less it is happening to you and your huband and others on this forum. The problem is, what can you do about it? Obviously you can't change their opinion of you. It's so sad, but you probably just have to learn how to accept this and not expect anything from them.

    The JW's fear any one that speaks in opposition to the borg. They are scared to death that they will be in trouble if they mingle with persons who have already been labeled. All one has to do is utter the words "I don't believe it any more". No more, no less.

    They don't want to be df'd. And, you can hardly blame them. The borg is blackmailing their subjects into humiliating unnatural behavior. And, unless they are very strong and self determined, they will stay away out of this fear of punnishment.

    My heart goes out to you. It's happening everywhere all around us. It will no doubt get worse, until the organization splits apart or dessolves totally.

    Sentinel ((((((HUGS Tink and CC))))))) No one deserves to be abused.

  • bigfloppydog


    Try not to let it get to you, I get treated like this all the time, they are rude to treat you like that, and it just shows how they have double-standards. I am the one who is always left out, while others, who should also be left out are included. I know it hurts, I feel your pain, but nothing you say or do I believe will change their uncaring hearts. It is just so very sad. Whatever suits them, they will do, regardless of how you or I feel.

  • JT

    The answer is very simple and you all know it what the answer is.

    in the mindset of a JW IF A PERSON has sex, smokes, lies , steals, it is due to "weakness" and you need help, but to DA oneself means you have spit in the FACE OF GOD-

    and that is the difference-

    This is perhaps one of the most powerful teachings of jw "How to view a person who is Not DFed, but DAed"

    This is the main reason why I continue to tell folks who are considering DA themselves and writing a letter to Larry, Mo and Curly to make SURE YOU ARE PREPARED FOR THE BACKLASH

    and over and over I see folks who have not prepared themselves for the fallout, while i realize one can never prepare oneself as it were to be treated like dirt by their family, it is important to fully understand what will happen once you put that $0.37 on that letter and drop it off.

    I would never tell someone to not DA himself or herself, for some they feel that this gives them closure which is great, but as we have seen for many others it is not closure but only the begining of trying to deal with being spit on

    i have always advise those who have asked Should I or shouldn't I myself---to consider and make sure you know what will happen when one does.

    As I have stated many times before I would not waste the stamp or paper to mail a letter to Mo Larry and Cuyrly aka SERVICE COMMITTEE to comply with nothing more than the request of the WT Legal Dept- THEY WILL HAVE TO COME AND GET MY BLACK A$$

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