How to get family to read COC?

by TTBoy 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MegaDude

    I use the question method and it works pretty good a lot of times.

    You could say:

    "Jumpin Jehovah! I just read this book that claims......(fill in the blank)........written by a former member of the Governing Body? Is this true??????"

    You see, don't force your ideas down a JW's throat. Let them defend their faith. Let them DO ALL THE WORK.

  • jst2laws

    Hello TTboy,

    Great to meet you. Looking forward to hearing more from you. If you are only half way through the book you have the best part yet to come. I thought I was a victim of a lying conspiracy until I read his experience and realized, this is the way the society deals with those who will not go along.

    Keep reading. The second book is even better.


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hi TTboy

    My older brother and I have two siblings who are inactive JW. We email each other in a group email daily...and we update each other on the happenings in our we all live in different parts of NZ and Australia. Consequently, my older brother and I make comments about our interactive lives on and we openly discuss some of the topics and threads here. Being a group email, our younger siblings are forced to read it...and they have commented back to us about certain threads. I have invited them both to visit the website to post on non-controversial topics, such as my birthday thread etc. Neither of them ventured here...but they are fascinated by some of the topics.

    It is my hope that this site (if I can get them to lurk and then to post) may help them overcome some of their pre-conditioned opinions regarding apostasy....then the next step will be to get them to read the COC Book.

    Good luck with your efforts.


  • minimus

    Tie them up, hypnotize them and drug them.....that's about it.

  • Trotafox

    Professional Cult Deprogrammer maybe??? I honestly do not know how in the world to get through their programming. Their blind as bats and don't even know it. If whatever you try works, let us in on it would ya?


  • Farkel

    : You Know is a fool, blinded and mind controlled, like the rest, by an organization who puts the companies interests above individuals.

    You Know is a highly intelligent manipulator who doesn't believe most of what he writes. He's just playing with people because he gets a kick out of it.

    : Read COC pal, see if you have the same view of "the truth" as presented by WTBTS.

    He has read it. I know. I'll bet money that he knows the WTS is full of bullshit, but it serves him better to play the game his way.

    Nothing with You Know is as it seems.


  • PopeOfEruke

    The best advice for your relatives about COC is "Suck it and see!"


  • Sangdigger

    Hey TT Boy,

    Your family deal sounds alot like mine. So far, im the only apostate (because my two evil siblings arent baptized) I've argued, reasoned, put down other religions who incorporate works for salvation hoping to draw paralell lines (at wich they gladly conceeded too) but they could not see the forest for the trees.

    Of course everyone's family is different (outside the JW mentality--wich doesnt leave much of the individual left) but i say beat them at their own game. What is the main BRAG that ALL JW'S practice? Look at us, look how moral we are, we set such a christian example to the world! We show genuine(they love that word especially) love by sharing the message, ect......Of course they unfortunately forget to wash the inside of the cup as Jesus said. Anyway, my only means of communicating anything to them now that i claim to be a christian, is to live a christian life, love them even when they are not giving me any, swallow my pride when they leave town because im on my way to visit them, take them vegatables from my garden, invite them to visit, when i know they wont come over. Basically, act like everything is AOK.

    I dont know what you've told them so far concerning what you've read, or what you believe, but take it slow. And i dont know where you are spiritually yourself, but if you have become a follower of christ, and believe in orthodox teachings, doooooont bring any deep doctrinal subjects up no matter how convinced or learned you may be, this usually relults in a slammed door in yer face. (believe me, i know)

    One other suggestion, is letter writing. My dad and i communicated for a while writing letters. That way we could say what we wanted in a peaceful way, without voices being raised. The last time i talked on the phone with both of them( ma and pa) it ended up in a 5 hour long raving debate over the WTS and its teachings. Theres been more than once, i told myself just to forget the whole stupid thing, and i would never bring religion up to them again. You know, Live and let live? But i guarantee you i couldnt talk to them for 2 minutes, before the conversation turned to who was pioneering back home, or how many hours they were striving for this month, or who gave the latest talk or whatever. And i got tired of just nodding my head, and listening to it all as if interested. And theres been alot of things i've learned (non-doctrinal, non-confrontational things in the bible) that i wanted to share with them, but stayed silent, because i knew it would cause another confrontation, because eventually it would wind back around to the Org, and why i wasnt in it.

    Well nuff said, welcome the board, and the best of wishes to you!!!!!!!!!

  • outnfree

    Welcome to the Board, TTBoy!

    I'm afraid I have no suggestions. I had no family in, and anyway, the family is so anti-anything-JW that they wouldn't DREAM of reading anything that has to do with the Borg. No interest, just relief that I'm


  • ugg

    nice to meet you,,,,welcome here,,,,

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