What happens when China rules the world?

by sleepy 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    All this talk of war with Saddam and the power of America and Europe etc,has got me thinking.I read resently that is is predicted that China will be the worlds biggest economy by 2040.With the size of china this is almost certain to happen if not sooner.How will this change the world I wonder, and it certainly will.Will they be the one to call the shots against who they think is a threat to them in the future?

    Edited by - sleepy on 8 September 2002 15:7:36

  • Elsewhere

    Don't worry... Jehovah will intervene before that would happen.

  • seawolf

    Don't worry... Jehovah will intervene before that would happen

  • SYN

    Well, considering the fact that the Chinese Gubment recently blocked Google and even elgooG, it wouldn't be a pretty place to live...

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    The elite rich is in control. Follow the money.

    Guest 77

  • minimus

    Everyone will eat Chinese food???

  • Francois

    The elite rich of what is in control? Richer than three feet up a bull's ass?

  • joannadandy

    I thought this was all a part of the JW master plan. Like king of the north king of the south deal. Last I recall the dubs think China is gonna be a big deal, and cause all kinds of problems for the Anglo dual world power, and then the end will come...or something.

  • Farkel

    I doubt China is interested in ruling the world. With the exception of the Khan dynasty, China has not been an expansionist country. In fact, they are quite xenophobic and have all the real estate they need.


  • hillary_step

    They will all move to West Coast Canada and start another dynasty...Ooops they have already....lol


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