January of 2000 was my first real 24/7 exposure to the Internet and ex-jw sites. It was thrilling to read the real life stories of others just like myself, who had escaped the Watchtower. The affirmation of my own conclusions regarding the truth, and its so-called faithful and discreet slave. I felt a real sense of well being, a relief that others had come to the very same conclusions.
I was almost startled to find that there were some still active/inactive jws visiting these discussion boards, who actually were espousing REFORM. Reformation of the Watchtower Society, had never even been a consideration for me. I mean, how can you select just one or two falsities to reform, when the entire belief structure is based on a lie?
So it is that I have had some difficulty in throwing my unreserved support towards any reform movements. In fact I have many reasons to question the validity of such efforts.
I understand the emotional fervor generated by the reformation efforts regarding child abuse, the blood issue. Anyone with a semblance of a human heart can and should be supportive of such a cause. It is a given.
That being said, here are my reservations about reforming the Watchtower and those who promote such;
1. Would they (reformers) continue to practice and promote the WTBS religion if the desired changes were made?
2. Once their objectives have been attained, would they advocate a return to the religion?
3. Many of these reformers have already been disfellowshiped before the outcome of their whistle blowing campaign is over. When successful, will they seek reinstatement, and continue to proselytize new members again?
4. It doesnt matter, some say. I think it does. If they (reformers) seek support from those of us who have made a clean break, those already convinced the WTBS is a total spiritual wasteland, not just the current cause celeb. Will they return and follow the religions shunning requirements again? Now unable to even visit the very Internet sites that helped them win their fights?
Any answer in the affirmative, brings a whole new set of concerns to me. The evidence is piled high, as regards the lies, predictions of end time dates, serving in the military, shunning, medical nonsense, subjugation of women, forcing door to door ministry on young children, the list is very long and well known.
I for one, would like to know just how far is far enough, when promoting reform, of what seems to me to be IREFORMABLE.
Edited by - DannyBear on 9 September 2002 21:5:48