People make the world go round. There are a number of very sharp people on this board. When we interact with one another, we learn what makes us tick.Most that are here are either out or on their way out of "the truth".Through experience, we understand the pros and cons of life. When you were a Witness did you consider yourself a very perceptive person? Do you feel that you are more perceptive than before? Were you / are you gullible?
by minimus 12 Replies latest jw friends
I was 15 when I was df. So I was VERY gullible when I got out--to a fault and had to learn almost everything the hard way. I still find myself to be gullible to certain things because of this upbringing. I hate it!!!
Great question. I am much more perceptive now, am not gullible, and am excited about learning and growing as a person, not locked down to only one viewpoint. Life is now exciting. It sucked thinking the end was right around the corner.
I've matured a lot since I left the Tower. I'm not nearly as gullible as I used to be. I don't allow the Watchtower to think for me anymore. I have my own mind, although they would like me to believe that theirs are more knowledgeable, more truthful and more accurate. With the current mess going on in the organization, I don't believe it. They no longer have the best answers to my questions.
Perceptive towards matters regarding the Borg while I was in the Borg? No. I wasn't in the least interested in the first place, so I didn't waste my brain cells.
Perceptive towards everything else? Somewhat. I won't blow smoke up my ass, but I catch on fairly quick.
I was Mr. Air of Infallibilty. Dowsed w/ xtra HS i.e. typical dub
Sad emo
Just seeing how perceptive Minimus is by raising this old thread!
and it's an interesting question too
I wasn't in the org - rather, I was a very blinkered RC - we were right, everyone else was wrong and going to Hell, that's about the farthest I saw - almost like those 'outside' weren't real, thinking, feeling people. I never questioned anything I was taught.
Then my eyes got opened, now I genuinely see people as people - unique individuals each at their own stage of this journey we call life.
It's not merely a corporate 'them and us' any more, everyone's REAL!! And I learn so much more from individual perspectives.
I always considered myself to be. I guess that contributed to my getting out. I saw so much that didn't fit, didn't make sense. JWD just confirmed it all- sealed the deal.
We can still be gullible, in spite of being perceptive. That's when one wants to believe something so badly for emotional reasons that one ignores the obvious.
"That's when one wants to believe something so badly for emotional reasons that one ignores the obvious."........ Now that, my friend, is perceptive.
"That's when one wants to believe something so badly for emotional reasons that one ignores the obvious."........ Now that, my friend, is perceptive.
I've learned alot from you brother. Good to see you poppers! Always.