by Nanoprobe 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Leolaia
    I'm not trying to be inflammatory, but if you wish to criticize JW's, or any religion for that matter, the subject of contention should be, in fact, contentious. Who cares if Jesus died strapped to a VW bug, he still died for our sins (or whatever wording you wish to insert at this point that has the same meaning), and the "dubs" agree in that respect.

    I dealt with this at the end of the paper. Yes, indeed, it is an insignificant issue in the long run. It makes no difference in Christ's redemptive sacrifice. But you're missing the point. It is the Society that makes such a big deal about it. It is the Society that made false statements about the evidence. For someone who once believed the Society could be trusted for providing truthful information, I was quite disturbed by lack of honesty. This lack of honesty of course extends to other more pressing issues such as the "proof" that we are in "the last days" (i.e. the earthquake evidence) and the Trinity (another area where I was very disturbed by their complete lack of honesty). I am merely showing how they exaggerate and outright lie about the evidence for such a seemingly insignificant belief. Further, I provide a clear example of why it is fallacious to always insist on the most restricted, etymological, or basic meaning. This insistence is at the basis of so many central doctrines of the Witnesses, i.e. sheol and hades mean only "grave," parousia most basically means "presence," kolasin most basically means "cutting-off," etc. etc. I give a concrete example of why this approach is wrong-headed.

    So indeed I don't feel the study was a waste of time.


  • Alf3831

    I understand that there is a book that is soon to be released, defending passages translated in the New World Translation. This was written by several scholarly JW authors. I believe it has an essay on the "torture stake." You should keep an eye out for it, as it may be released within the next few weeks. I am sure you will find it interesting.



  • unblinded

    Is this the Alf I taked to on paltalk about a month ago?

    Do you support the idea of Jesus dieing on a cross or a torture stake?

  • plmkrzy
    purely legendary or mythical figure with no prior history would suddenly become the center of a new Jewish-Gentile faith (imho very, very unlikely).

    Well actually some believe that Jesus was nothing more then another prophet like Abraham and NOT a saviour. I guess that would be my point. Not that he was alive but that he was Christ. What i'm saying is that it all will boil down to what one believes more so then what one may attempt to show proof of. Especially when the subject is biblical

  • stichione

    Excellent information which will be useful to many people. Keep up the good work!

  • Alf3831


    It has been awhile since I was on paltalk. But I do use this "handle" on paltalk. I have not read the individuals research paper on the difference between the torture stake vs the cross. Personally, I dont think it matters much either way.


  • BugParadise
    Leolaia: If anyone is interested on finding out the facts about the cross
    and why "torture stake" is NOT an accurate translation for
    Greek _stauros_, please see my research paper on this topic:

    Excellent research Paper!! Gets a A ++ and a 5* star rating! Thanks for sharing it!

  • aChristian


    Very fine article. A+. By the way, are you aware of the medical evidence that Jesus could not have died on a "torture stake"? The fact is, it has been medically proven more than once that the way Jesus' execution is depicted in Watchtower publications would have killed him in only a few minutes, not a few hours as the Bible tells us Christ remained alive after being nailed to the Cross.

    According to an article written by Frederick T. Zugibe published in Bible Review magazine in April of 1989, entitled "Two Questions About Crucifixion," in 1948 an Austrian doctor demonstrated that if you hang a person with his hands straight up he will die from suffocation within about six minutes. This article says that this fact has been confirmed a number of times, most recently by a professor of pathology with the University of Columbia. His series of experiments is said to have also demonstrated that if the person is nailed with his arms outright in an angle of 60-70 degrees, he can live for several hours.

    Somewhat off the subject, his work is said to have also proven that it is possible to successfully crucify a person by nailing through their hands, not necessarily through their wrists as has been alledged in recent years.

    Again, you wrote a great article! Thanks. The Watchtower Society should be ashamed of their dishonesty. In this matter and in many others. : (

  • Celia

    Help ! I can't open the file !

    What am I doing wrong ? I get this screen, asking what I want to do with the file :

    Open from its current location or save to disk.

    I tried both, can't open it

    Edited by - Celia on 30 September 2002 21:25:36

  • chester


    That is an adobe acrobat file. You have to have adobe installed on your computer to be able to read it.

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