I'm Free. I'm Free! I'm FREE!

by Ephanyminitas 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ephanyminitas

    I have finally extricated myself from my JW parents' house. I'm living on my own, and on a college campus! Now I can visit the forum whenever I want to! I will associate with evil, evil apostates!

    But I'm debating, though, whether or not to really be a part of the forum. On one hand, it's therapeutic to be among other JW defecters and to bitch about the Society. But on the other, I just want Jehovah out of my life, and visiting this forum will -- in whatever form -- keep him in. Torn, torn, torn.

    Maybe I'll just take it a day at time ...

    Ephanyminitas (who despises the HTML formatting options)

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    Maybe I'll just take it a day at time ...
    Good advice to yourself. Your life at school will keep you busy...but hey..check in, keep in touch...can't hurt.
  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    I don't have jehovah in my life - but I do think of the Lord some. Stay a while and hopefully you'll realise that 'jehovah' doesn't even exist.

    I give thanks to God there's no such thing as 'jehovah' - it's an imaginary beast that people bow down to and serve, and try to alleviate their guilt. Scaring other people into it really reinforces the belief that they're truly doing what's 'right'.


    Edited by - a paduan on 9 September 2002 21:41:50

  • larc

    Eph, only come here after you have done your homework and studied for you tests. We don't want to be blamed for you flunking out of school. With that said, welcome, and visit us when you can. By the way, what's your major or are u undecided at this point?

  • Amazing

    Congratulations Eph: The little diety that the Watchtower religion labels "Jehovah" is not any real god, but rather an invention of that religion for its marketing pruposes. The God of the Bible is a very different person, though I am not tied to that either ... except that I still hold faith in Jesus Christ ... Stick around ... we look forward to hearing all that you have to say ... and btw, what is your major? I was an electrical engineer for 25 years, and worked in the nuclear power industry ... no I am in real estate and do some minor law work.

    Edited by - Amazing on 9 September 2002 21:48:53

  • Prisca

    Hi and welcome!

    Feel free to come and visit us whenever you want to, but I'd suggest you should concentrate on your studies first. Making a new life for yourself after the being a JW is a big step towards getting over the whole experience. Concentrate on that first, and the need to visit forums such as this will come and go, depending on your needs. But be careful, this place is addictive!

  • Ephanyminitas

    Thanks to everyone. Since two people have asked, I'd better answer: my major is English (creative writing)!

    Ephanyminitas ("Me fail English? That's unpossible!)

  • Jesika

    CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! And good luck in school. I know it can be hard at times to deal with all the JW stuff. One day at a time is good and just remember we will be here when you need us or just want to bitch--LOL.



  • expatbrit

    Congratulation Eph, that's a big step! I'll just reiterate what the others have said: DO YOUR HOMEWORK!....lol

    And if you feel like stopping in to add your flavour to the forum, it'll be nice to see you.

    Btw, I think your failing English is also inlikely.


  • OrbitingTheSun

    YAY Ephanyminitas!!!

    I am a liberated college student, too.

    We should chat sometime!

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