Elders who are married should do the best they can to make their own wives happy, since their duties take so much time away from personal lives........and not be too concerned with other peoples personal and private happiness!!!! rocky220
Elders should mind their business!!!!!
by rocky220 13 Replies latest social relationships
Elders who aren't married should mind their own business, too.
I agree!!!!! maybe if they were gettin some themself they wouldnt have so much time to find out what others are doing in their beds!!! good one
"Elders" should go to Hades
Y E S ELDERS SHOULD MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS...but pulishers should not have to mind theirs NOT AT ALL..as a matter of fact this expublisher should write a gossip column called JUST ASK QUEENIE ... queenie
Elders should, Pioneers, MS, Elder's Wives, Publishers, non-publishers, COs, POs, Auxilary Pioneers, DOs, GB members, my parents, You, Me, Children, Elderly, Blacks, Whites, Jews, Mexicans, Indians, Asians, Men, Women, Gays, Straights....... hell, how about EVERYONE mind their own business yeah?
Hello everyone. I'm new to this site. Just wanted to say a quick hello.....
I totally agree. And why is that when you get in trouble you have to explain in detail all the events leading up to your wrongdoing. Shouldn't it be suffice to say you've committed this wrongdoing without all the details and questions of why you did things?
Going through judicial committees is like being on trial for your life. A horrible experience that leaves you coming out feeling depressed and bad about yourself. Why do they do this to you? You made a mistake and shouldn't be mad to feel that you are a horrible person who doesn't even deserve to breathe. Anyone else feel like this?
hello everyone. I am new here.
Why is that elders need to know every detail and all the events leading up to your wrongdoing? Isn't it suffice to say that you've committed a wrongdoing without having to replay all your actions, all the people who know about it, and why you did it? Why are all the details needed to be known. Regardless, a wrongdoing was committed, so why are all the details needed. Going through judical committess makes someone feel ashamed, depressed and humiliated. That you are not even worthy enough to breathe air anymore. Is there really a need to make us feel this way?
Anyone else share the same feelings?
sorry I accidentally posted twice.
i was never in a jud. com., but was taken in a room and told to shave off my beard. i was 20 and so proud of it.was reminded it gave the younger ones a bad example. i told them the younger ones can't grow beards- so i kept it...