DFing the newly Reinstated? Yes !

by Amazing 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dino

    Amazing, care to give us a written reference from the society (not a few elder's consensus) that can back up what you assert?

    Preferably from the "Pay Attention" handbook.


  • minimus

    Hi Amazing,Sorry but you are wrong...where's Maximus when we need him???........If anything like this was done, it's not due to Society policy....maybe it was one of those California things...lol

  • Dino


    What did you come up with, Amazing?

  • ThiChi

    Wow, Amazing, Our Body of Elders came to a different conclusion. We had some persons who never showed up after getting reinstated. It was determined that Non attendance of meetings was not of itself a sign that you do not love Jehovah or his Org, but could be a sign of spiritual weakness (There was a good KM article that I gave a special needs talk on that explained this, around 1995/96.

    Reinstatement, as explained by the CO, was the end process of qualifying for an approved status, with restrictions that were removed after a period of time.

    I have never witnessed anyone who got re disfellowshipped for simply not going to meetings after being re-instated. Any one out there ever been re disfellowshipped for just non meeting attendance?

    Edited by - thichi on 12 September 2002 11:44:25

  • Elsewhere

    I guess it just depends on which "glorious ones" happen to have you under their thumb.

  • Dino

    Lol with elsewhere, you make a good point! I dont doubt that some rogue, meat-headed body of elders who wanted to unduly avouch their "authority", hasnt tried this. But if they did, God help the body of elders that recorded that reason on a S-77 form! They would quickly send in the CO to spank some elder ass!

    Amazing, you dogmatically asserted to minimus:

    ... that is why reinstated people are given restrictions until they demonstrate a pattern of works that befit repentance.

    This is incorrect.

    Please note when elders determine "works that befit repentance", and what the purpose of restrictions are in this one paragragh found on page 130 of the "Pay Attention" handbook, where it quotes the OM book page 150:

    "When the judicial committee is CONVINCED that the disfellowshipped person is GENUINELY REPENTANT and should be reinstated, an announcement of the reinstatement is made, mentioning also that any RESTRICTIONS that apply UNTIL THE PERSON HAS REGAINED A MEASURE OF SPIRITUAL STRENGTH" (emphasis mine).

    In regard to "works that befit repentance" the elders had to familiarize themselves with reams of material on this subject in the late 90's, in order to try to ascertain "repentance" BEFORE reinstatement.

    Futhermore, as you can see, restrictions are not a "disfellowshipping held in abeyance".

    However, let me say this, and it is just a personal opinion.

    If the Society could get by with instituting what you say Amazing, I think they would.


    Edited by - Dino on 12 September 2002 12:51:30

    Edited by - Dino on 12 September 2002 12:52:14

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