'Jehovah & Son' Comic Strip

by Mister Biggs 20 Replies latest social humour

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    This is the true history of the earth, man, dinosaurs, etc. I will make more strips in the near future.

  • SYN


  • SYN

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Thanks for the assist, SYN.
    You gotta tell me how to clear-up the smudges around my words. Any advice?
  • Xena

    ROFLAMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tears there are tears coming down my face...OMG to funny!

    uuummm in case you didn't pick up on it I LOVED THIS !

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Thanks, Xena!

    I was cracking up while I was making it up. Why? Because I can really imagine what it would be like with Beavis & Butt-head running the show called Life.

  • Liberty

    Thanks again Mr. Biggs,

    This is funny because it's TRUE. According to the Watch Tower and other fundie cults ol' Jehover and Jesus are just like Beavis and Butt-head, a couple of hormone crazed teenaged boys laughing it up as the Universe goes to hell all around them. Violence, destruction, and suffering really turn their cranks. I can almost hear Jehover-Butt-head saying to Beavis-Jesus, "Hey! You left fossils for them to find Butt-munch. HUH HUh...huh. Now they won't believe our creation myth Bible crap." Beavis-Jesus replys, " That's ok..Heehee...heh we'll just destroy them again and make some new ones. Boing....hehhee.. I am Bung-holio... they will become T.P. for my corn holio at Armageddon hehheehheeee!"

    You've done a great job on the graphics

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs


    Good stuff and thanks for the compliment!

  • Dutchie

    Mr. Biggs, it is obvious that there are no limits on your talents.

    That was so incredibly, freaking funny! Kudos to you!

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Thanks, Dutchie! Hey, what happened to 'Betty Boop'??? Is that you in your Profile pic?

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