Anti JW newspaper article

by Freenow 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Freenow

    Hi to all
    This looks like a friendly forum and I will do my very first posting here because I finally feel I can trust someone to help me. I published an article on the local newspaper against the JW and part of my sour experiences while I was a JW; they only let me use 300 words and deleted the most important ones ofcourse. My problem is that Iam now getting very negative responses to my article and I need you all to help me write something positive for us ex-jw's for a change. You can do it using my e-mail or post something or give me your e-mail addresses or send something to this local newspaper.
    I was a JW for a little more than 32 years and it's been one year since I don't go to the meetings. I also plan not to attend the Memorial this year for the first time. I have not heart if the morons have yet DF me but i will not give them this pleasure like one of you posted today earlier. Please help me and thanks for being there for me MY TRUE REAL FRIENDS I love you all.

    Love from

  • Fredhall


    I will be glad to help you.

  • doubtingsister

    I just did something similar in my weekly newspaper column about the internet. I injected the opinion that some religions won't allow their members to visit websites other than their own and that they regard the internet as worldly and evil. So far no one has noticed so I'm off the hook for now, though I still want to break free, that wasn't the way to do it.

    Even if you get a different response than you expected, it is getting noticed and that's important in case someone else out there feels like you do. They'll be helped by seeing that they aren't alone.

    I'll try to put together something for you soon.


    Edited by - doubtingsister on 23 March 2001 15:33:44

  • patio34

    Dear Freenow (what a good name!)
    I was a jw for 28 years and have just left 1 month ago and am not attending the memorial this year despite having a son visiting from Hawaii who is an avid jw! Boy, that'll be something to look forward to!

    M-m-m-m positive things about jws: they are a tight-knit community; they took excellent care of me when I was sick for several months two years ago; there are a lot of really nice and smart people.

    That's enough for now. Welcome to the site (or SIGHT, that is)--I'm new too.


  • RedhorseWoman

    Unfortunately, most people don't realize what a hellish experience it is to be part of a cult, and they think you are just spouting "sour grapes".

    I wrote a response to an editorial in the Mensa Bulletin where the author referred to the JWs as a cult. My response was in support of his article. Although I received some negative responses, I also received several requests for help from people whose family members were getting involved, or from people who wanted more information.

    Is your pro-ex-JW article to be printed in the newspaper, also; or are you looking for a response to send out to individuals?

  • Freenow

    Thanks to all, I knew I wasn't going to be left alone with all these demonic JW.
    Re: RedHorseWoman and everybody that wants to publish an article in response to mine. I plan to put this response or responses in the same readers view column of the same newspaper here in Texas
    Love you all for your kind support.

  • waiting

    hey Freenow,

    It seems that whatever good that the WTBTS establishes - it is taken to extreme (cult style). Would it be possible to post your editorial here? It would help us to give a response - and we might learn from you?

    An example of the good/bad situation: Theocratic Ministry School. We do learn to speak with others, better articulation. Getting over shyness. However, (as pointed out by Jelly) we don't really learn to *discuss* - we learn to maneuver people to the WTBTS position with the WTBTS literature. Our proof points are exclusively from WTBTS writings or the WTBTS quoting (what they choose) from other writings. We are not given the source (chap. page, etc.) of these other writings so neither we nor the householder can look them up to prove the authenticity of the quote.

    We don't accept the householder's ideas - we say we do, but we will try our best (and bring others to help us) to bring them to the WTBTS thinking. If the householder will not lose their view - most likely the study will be discontinued at a future date.

    This is not learning to debate, give & take, - this is salesmenship.

    Nice to meet you btw. Please think about posting your letter. I would enjoy reading it.


  • Farkel

    Here's five positive things that just came off the top-of-my-head that I can say about the JW religion:






    (I've got lots more where they came from!)


  • Freenow

    Thanks for your help, but i don't think you understood me or probably I typed wrong . What I need is possitive things to say about XJW not about JW.


  • Gopher

    1. Ex-JW's are open to your ideas. They will not condemn you for your beliefs.

    2. Ex-JW's understand the pain individuals have, and try to help each member of the ex-JW community feel more "whole".

    3. Ex-JW's confront the truths about what they believe. This does not mean they all reach the same conclusion. But they have gained a better understanding about their own personal belief system.

    Freenow--are these ideas helpful?


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