Yes, I have learned things attributable to my time as a JW, 27 years. They are not the
things which were taught in the pages of the WT or from the platform by elders.
I learned that even someone who thinks they are reasonably self-aware and a logical,
considerate thinker, can be duped under the right circumstances, by the right
blandishments, with the backing of mind control techniques.
I learned that living your life for someone else's welfare or their expectations (such as
continuing to be a loyal JW for years on end because you think you are saving your kids,
even though you, yourself are miserable as a JW), whether it be children, mate, or friends
at the KH, is no way to live, and is so empty in the long run that it neither accomplishes its
initial aim, nor provides any satisfaction for the one so martyred.
I learned that externally imposed spirituality, such as marketed by the WTS, is of little
lasting benefit, either in making one feel 'right with God' or in knowing yourself and your
connection with the rest of huamnity, and the universe.
I learned that while fear and guilt are great motivators (I once had a sister tell me that guilt
was a good thing, this in the context of the free-floating guilt which JWs are subject to,
not in connection with any particular wrongdoing), which the WTS uses to manipulate
those under their influence. Ultimately the destructive use of these tools will boomerang
on those who impose them from their watchtowers. The human spirit can only exist under
those constraints so long, before it strives to break free.
I learned that I CAN trust my own heart, and my own judgement, despite much warning to
the contrary from the pages of the WT.