One of the first "privileges" any prospective Witness has is that of being a publisher.Of course, once you're a publisher,you are one for life. So, either you are a "good" publisher or a "bad" one. A good publisher has to get the national average,be a "good" example, and pretty much do whatever the elders ask of you. So, were you considered a "good" or "bad" publisher???
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
The Alchemist
I was pathetic. People used to "heave sighs" when they seen me coming. I would get out about every 3 months. I was never able to go beyond 3 Saturdays in a row. Then I would sink into inactivity for another 2 or 3 months. I used to give very good talk number 2's and 5's. Once I was told I had given the best reading they ever heard. But of course it was a mystery "How could Jehovah bless him when he doesn't do the ministry?" Puke. Every once in a while an elder would take interest in me but would throw the towel in after a while. I would sit at the meetings totally zombiefied. I WAS PATHETIC!!!!!!!! Damn you minimus for making me relive this PAIN !
I was at first considered a good publisher. Led a few Sunday service meetings and read for the book study. Lasted about a year. Till I woke up and realized that I didn't want to relinquish that much control over my life.
Alchemist, why were you pathetic? Were you one of those poor souls that nobody wanted to work with in the minimstry?
The Alchemist
Yes minumis it was true. I tell you a true story "as Jehovah is my witness" (TM) (when was the last time you heard that one?) I showed up to the service meet. The conductor says at the end of the meeting "Anybody not have anyone to work with" I my wife and one other sister raise our hands. The conductor says "who wants to work with these people?" NOBODY raises their hand. So he tells me after the service meet to follow the group in our own car. And the other lone sister can go with us. So we do. I'm taken the doors by myself, my wife (now my ex) is working around the block with the other sister. I look over and see this other sister crying so I come up to her and say "What's wrong Brookie?" My wife says to me "Later". After our service morning when I am alone with my wife I ask "what was up with Brook?" My wife says she started crying so she asked what was wrong. Brookie said "They made me work with you guys!" Word of truth! My wife said she didn't know to comfort her or strangle her. I think my semi conscience zombiefied trance at the meetings kept my mind safe. I think it is safe. Sorry for going off on you.
ALCHEMIST, that's a pretty tough situation to be in. People crying because they had to work out in service with's really funny, though.... No offense intended, either....s m i l e..........
The Alchemist
I'm LMAO on this now. Not so funny then. Those people were so proud but I look back at them now and most had nothing to be proud about.
ALCHEMIST, I thought your comment about being marked "W" for going 1 second overtime is sooo hysterical. Were you related to Rodney Dangerfield?
I was pathetic. People used to "heave sighs" when they seen me coming. I would get out about every 3 months. I was never able to go beyond 3 Saturdays in a row. Then I would sink into inactivity for another 2 or 3 months. I used to give very good talk number 2's and 5's. Once I was told I had given the best reading they ever heard......Every once in a while an elder would take interest in me but would throw the towel in after a while
Holy shit Alchemist, that is so me it isn't funny!!!! Except with me it was more like once or twice a year, and two consecutive Saturdays was unthinkable.
I killed 'em with my no.2 and no.4 talks, though. The elders wanted me to be a regular publisher SO bad, they were always trying something ("we could use you brother, if you'd just get out in service!") Nothing worked.
The Alchemist
Datherman I take the exception I was the most loserest guy around. I wore green suade leasure suits until 1985. Your poorer service record could never out do that! Damn! One time I was asked to read at the book study and I had to ask the conductor during the middle of the study what paragraph we were on...Twice! As Jehovah is my witness (TM) It's the braindead zombiefied thing you know.