Living on the west coast, both towers had already fallin by the time I heard what happened.
Just a regular day. Getting up, making coffee, reading the newpaper, waking the kids to get them ready for school. Rarely do I turn on the news in the morning. I prefer the newpapers. Rushing around.."sit down and eat"! "Mom, I can't find my shoes"! etc.
The phone rings. My husband, who was out of town, calling.
Exchange hellos.
Then...Husband says to me in a monotone voice "The World Trade Center is gone"
Me: "Whaaa?"
Husband: "The buildings, they're gone"
Me: "No way"
Husband: "Yes, they fell"
Me: Getting annoyed "Knock it off! This isn't funny! You are always overstating, WHAT really happened"?
Husband: " Just turn on the TV"
I turn on the TV just as they are showing footage of the south tower being hit. Then showing the Pentagon on fire.
I don't even remember saying Good bye to my spouse. Like everyone else, I went numb. My mind just couldn't process the message my eyes were sending it. After taking my kids to school, I came home, sat on the floor in front of the TV and couldn't stop watching. I was in a trance for most of the day. Only being broken when the news began to show desperate children looking for parents. Then, I cried. I still do when I think about those kids.