why do the jw lock their publications in cabinets ?I noticed on my visits to the local cong. that they are so anal about their publications in the congregations that they have locks on their cabinets where they keep the magazines and bibles . I can't help but wonder if they are worried about the publishers helping themselves .Well ,I'm open to any explainations.
why do the jw ?
by heathen 14 Replies latest jw friends
heehee good one.
Probably the local whim of the cong. At my old cong the books were on display. Dub libraries are funny things.....so many books.....so few that can be used!
Big Tex
Yeah, I was going to say it might just be a local congregation thing. When I was literature servant, we would shut the cabinet doors, but they were never locked (I don't even think they had locks on them). The only problem we would have is the pioneers advancing themselves literature and forgetting to tell us.
I my con the books and mags are behind locks aswell!!
weird. life`s water for free...?
Just like any business..You have to lock up the merchandise so that the employees are not tempted to steal.
In my congo the books and mags are locked up and the overstock is kept in another room thats also kept locked. I guess they don't want anyone to know the truth until we want them to.
Women say how nice it is to be able to leave their purse at their chair because they know nobody is going to steal form them in the KH. but they lock up their crappy mags????
A renovation of our KH in the 1980s resulted in glass door cabinets, all with locks.
Ironic that they lock up literature that they can't even give away for free!
They inventory the books, I do know that. I don't know who would steal them, hell, they can't even GIVE them away for free.