brutalized toddlers

by little witch 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Wolfgirl

    I don't remember it ever being preached from the podium, other than "spare the rod, spoil the child," but I do remember it happening all the time. Not just to me, but to almost all the kids in the hall. No wonder practically none of them are JWs anymore. And the parents would laugh and joke about their stories of abuse.

    I also hated that line: "If you don't stop crying, I'll give you something to cry about." Even worse was, "This hurts me more than it hurts you." Bullshit. Let me break wooden spoons and brushes over your legs and see if it hurts me more than it hurts you. Happened to me all the time, mostly from my mother.

  • Dia

    I should think that their open promotion of corporal punishment should get them into legal trouble.

    At the least, it would make a great 'behind the scenes' documentary video piece for a whole host of news magazines.

    What a sick, twisted group of people.

  • Bosho

    I've had a hard time reading this thread.

    A lot of your replies have brought tears to my eyes.

    I can't believe that people can be so cruel and to children. It's obviously a problem in society that goes a lot deeper than religon and unfortunalty it's not confinned to religous groups. But it has to be stamped out wherever it is.

    I have to say that I grew up with witness parents during the 70's and I was never beaten. I only ever remember being spanked once by my father and that was when I tried to "help myself" to some tablets at about six years of age and I think it was shock and fear that made him respond like that because he cuddled me all afternoon after that and kept asking if I'd swallowed any (which I hadn't as he'd caught me before I'd even got the top off, thankfully). He had never hit before that and he never hit me again. My mother only hit me once and I think it surprised and hurt her more than me.( I was about fourteen and THE most aggreviating teenager to walk the earth, I actually think she should have been sainted for not belting me more often. They say the patience of an angel resides in some. She IS an angel.)

    I can't remember any of the children in our hall being abused in this way at the meetings.

    If anything looking through this thread it makes me apprciate my particular childhood even more. My parents loved me and for that I will always be truly thankfull.
    I still attend the meetings and I now have a two and a half year old that doesn't know how to sit still for six seconds let alone two hours. She also doesn't know the difference in talking and shouting. I love it!
    Most of them are acutally very supportive of us and will come up and say "You're doing so well. Perserve and she'll get there". I do not and never will hit her for talking (It's a double standard isn't it? We incourage her to talk and then tell her to shut up at the meetings! No wonder she looks confused!)
    But there are the ones who send "Why don't you keep that child QUIET!" looks. So I stick my nose up at them and pat my little girl on the head and give her a kiss.

    Minimus: Thanks for giving me something to smile about. Your reply about losing Jehovah's Holy Spirit was inspired!

  • dsgal

    I never heard of the wooden spoon but there were plenty of parents who took their children to the bathroom and let them have the hand.Everybody in the hall could hear"smack,smack,smack!But everyone just let it ride and chalked it up to just one more kid interrupting Jehovah's spiritual meal.That could be avoided if they would just have a Sunday School program.

  • LDH

    This whole thread has given me an idea.

    If any of you out there are still attending in the Central California area and you have the dates for the upcoming Special Assembly day or Circuit Convention, please email me.

    I will be there. And so will CPS.


  • WildHorses

    Lisa, are you sure you can get them to go?

  • LDH

    What, me worry????


  • SoulJah

    I got theocratic a$$ woopings! [FTS!]

  • Tzu

    Well I did my time with the Watchtower in South Africa and it is just the same there, lots of hitting for being restless in meetings. I knew a couple who use to hit their little girl from three months old. By three years old, they were yanking her off the floor in their home by her hair. I once saw them even squabble over who was going to hit her, they both wanted to! Yet in public, they were the MOST zealous witnesses. Knowing them, I can honestly say, the abuse of their child was based on their frustrations in that cult. I did try to intervene, but all that got was an elder sent round to speak to them, and it just carried on.

    BTW ....... Kingdumb hall ........... now that's a new one LOL.

  • DeProgram

    I could go on and on on this one believe me, How bout the sister that would use her middle Knuckle to the top of her 4 year olds head, that worked he was probably seing stars for the next 5 minutes, no one ever stopped her this went on for years,it was bad in my hall ,it got so bad the niebors called the police and complained because they got tired of all the kids screaming and being beat outside of the hall,I witnessed pinchings that left bruises ,slaps that left swollen faces you name it, when I had my own son at a meeting at around 2 years old he was squirming around and making a little fuss, one of the attendants, his grandfather tapped me on the shoulder and told me to take my son out and disipline him, I knew what he ment ,I took my son out alright, to the car and home so he could play like a 2 year old is suppose to, they never bothered me again about it in fact some of the other parents took my example and quit beating there kids, I felt so much joy for saving some kids a beating. The one that really stands out in my mind thow is a brother that I grew up with got married and had a daughter, this was long before I had my son, anyway we were at a District Convention and I say him standing outside with his cute little daughter, she was about 2 ,He looked me sqaurley in the eyes and said you know the way they treat there kids around here is wrong, I said what do you mean, he said I cannot see any reason to beat a 2 to 3 year old child for not sitting still at an all day convention, he walked out to his car and that was the last time I ever saw him, literally...NP

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