Never being a JWI have a question. My dub friend invited me to her church (whatever) one Sunday, which I of course I went - it was ok - nothing special, except I know what you mean about being "love bombed". My question.... do any non-dubs go to the weekly bookstudies? And if so, could they raise their hands and ask 'probing' questions, or would they be ignored?
Can "Wordly" people go to book studies?
by Double Edge 31 Replies latest jw friends
Non-dubs can attend the weekly book study. However, the book study is not the place to ask probing questions.
If a non-dub does make the mistake of asking a question that is not in line with the study, then the conductor will simply say that he will talk to that person after the study is over. There is an alloted amount of material to go over each study and an allotted amount of time.
The unspoken rule is that if you have questions and you are not baptized, save them for the person who is conducting your bible study. Dubs will be glad to inform the non-Dub, that "Jehovah is a God of order not of disorder" and so people can't be asking questions willy nilly. There is a time and a place for everything.
I hope that this information helps.
Been there
You might be able to get one in before they ignored you. It is not really a study. They follow all the guide lines. No vering. Unless its changed in the past 28 years, but I doubt it.
Double Edge
Thanks. (But I'd still like to go with my friend and ask a couple of ZINGERS.)
Yes - they can especially if it is one held at the hall
- But a bigger question needs to be asked
WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I would encourage you to read some threads from the past and make sure you know what it is that you are getting into!
Everything is not as it is presented - the book studys are a lesson in Mind Control -
The paragraphs are laid out with a set of questions to ask for each that will encourage the responces they wish you to hear.
Once you are in they will not allow ANY QUESTIONING OF THE BORG!
I always remember the Book Studies to be rather private, since they were studies of books that one had not been versed in through regular bible study.
Though they probably would not stop a "worldly" person from attending, the meetings are set up the same as the WT study on Sunday's, with the question and answer, ONLY FROM the printed material in the literature. The book study was usually held in the homes of witnesses who offered to lend their accomodations to that "closer" attachment and connection. To make it more personable.
If one tried to interject a thought or ask a question, they would be asked if they were having a private study in their home, and if so, they should continue to finish their study and then attend all meetings where their questions would be answered all in due time, according to Jah's will.
Remember, one is not allowed to think for one's self.
My experience is much like Dutchie's.
As publishers we were encouraged to teach and train our students to NOT ask such questions other than at their assigned bible study times. Sometimes the conductor of the study will pull the jw who has bought the student to the side, and will whisper this reminder in their ear, if the student isn't the conforming type. Dubs have no tolerance for non-conforming types.
Another thing we were encouraged to do was to take newly interested ones to the public talk first, rather than the bookstudy. The bookstudy was or is usually a time for small group fellowship...rather then introducing new ones to the congregation. We hosted the bookstudy in our home for many years...and only a few non-dubs attended...but they were usually heading towards baptism by this time.
Most congregations have a book study at the kingdom hall, and it was here that DF or DA individuals making a come-back were encouraged to attend...they were not welcome at the BS held in the homes. Hope this helps.
Double Edge
WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Don't worry, that last thing I'd ever do is become a JW.... I'm just curious about the Tuesday night book study.... my friend is always talking about them ... I thought, wouldn't it be fun to go and ask some "great" questions.
I am also a non-dub and went to one meeting which was a book study. It struck me funny to see so many of the dubs make such stupid unfounded comments that made absolutely no sense what so ever. It was chapter 10 in Isaiah's Prophecy. They were bashing the stock market which tempted me to ask about Rand Cam but I behaved. Thinking back on it, I am laughing all over.
I did not ask questions and it was a good thing. Apparently I already had a reputation. A few months prior to going to the BS (book study), I showed my newly baptised friend copies of old WT publications about the false prophecies, Beth Sarim and Russell using Pyramidology. This was the first time he heard about this and showed it to several of the elders and pioneer at the Hall. When my friend introduced me to some of the witnesses, one of them said, "We've heard all about you." The elder, Brother Pompous Ass, was not friendly to me at all.
Edited by - devonmcbride on 11 September 2002 21:35:49
Double Edge,
If you go ask this question:
"By a show of hands, how many pedophiles are here in this room?