Hey Hawk,
I still can't believe 3 elders went into a girls room and closed the door.
Huh? Where is this found? I missed it. Sorry.
by Kenneson 21 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Hey Hawk,
I still can't believe 3 elders went into a girls room and closed the door.
Huh? Where is this found? I missed it. Sorry.
It was stated in court yesterday and I am relaying what was said.
Ah yes...one of the favorite lines of elders: "I don't recall doing that." They can never recall things that point a finger at them but only the things that point a finger at their victims. For that...I salute them all with my middle finger.
I don't know if people on this board fully comprehend what is going on here but let me try to tell you.
The Canadian Press stories are run Canada wide not just locally.
That means, again, for another day we have made most of the papers in Canada and hit in ALL MAJOR MARKETS. Why its even in my local rag for crying out loud in Kingston!!!!!!
More to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What if someone were guilty of a lesser assault on you and you knew this person would beat the crap out of you the next time he/she saw you, but would leave no visible marks? Would you be told to go to that person (the perpetrator), knowing he/she would be likely to beat you, and explain to him that he/she needed to go to the elders? Oh, pleazzzzze!
The WT organization, like all bullies and cowards, sticks up for the person with the most power. Children (and women, to a lesser degree) have no clout, being the "obedient" class, not to mention being physically unable to defend themselves. People in positions of authority are supposed to be there to help those who cannot help themselves. Get a clue, Watchtower bullies! Stop bullying children!
Oddly a Harold with a last name similar to yours testified this morning at the trial ......
interesting .......
I don't know if people on this board fully comprehend what is going on here but let me try to tell you. - hawk
No duh, Hawk. Thanks for pointing that out, though.
The Canadian Press stories are run Canada wide not just locally. - hawk
Ah! The clarification helps.
I greatly appreciate your hard work in publicizing this trial, here and in many other threads. It is so important that the press be interested in this trial and to be printing their stories. Great work, hawk.
I am currently working hard to clear my schedule to be able to attend one day of the proceedings and to show my support. I am going to make it there Monday, Sept. 16. Is the courtroom seating difficult? I know I need to be there early but do I need to reserve a place in advance?
I am asking this of you hawk, because you seem to be speaking about this trial from a perspective of personal presence. Anyone else reading this with relevant info please feel free to chime in.
Biblical teachings required Boer to try and sort out her dispute with her father in a face-to-face meeting.
In fact, the Watchtower Society's own "Organized To Accomplish Our Ministry" Book (1983 and 1989 Editions) state that MATTHEW 18:15-17 ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY SEXUAL MATTERS!
HOWEVER, in the November 1st 1995 Watchtower Issue (which is on the Official Watchtower.org Website at this Address: http://www.watchtower.org/library/w/1995/11/1a/article_01.htm ), it states the following:
What if the sufferer decides that he wants to make an accusation? (It may also be necessary for the step outlined in this paragraph to be taken if the matter has become common knowledge in the congregation.) Then the two elders can advise him that, in line with the principle at Matthew 18:15, he should personally approach the accused about the matter. If the accuser is not emotionally able to do this face-to-face, it can be done by telephone or perhaps by writing a letter. In this way the one accused is given the opportunity to go on record before Jehovah with his answer to the accusation. He may even be able to present evidence that he could not have committed the abuse. Or perhaps the one accused will confess, and a reconciliation may be achieved. What a blessing that would be! If there is a confession, the two elders can handle matters further in accordance with Scriptural principles.
What if the one accused though denying the wrongdoing is really guilty? Does he "get away with it," as it were? Certainly not! The question of his guilt or innocence can be safely left in Jehovah's hands. "The sins of some men are publicly manifest, leading directly to judgment, but as for other men their sins also become manifest later." (1 Timothy 5:24; Romans 12:19; 14:12) The book of Proverbs says: "The expectation of the righteous ones is a rejoicing, but the very hope of the wicked ones will perish." "When a wicked man dies, his hope perishes." (Proverbs 10:28; 11:7) Ultimately, Jehovah God and Christ Jesus render everlasting judgment in justice. 1 Corinthians 4:5.
Edited by - UnDisfellowshipped on 13 September 2002 2:8:45