Terrorists get 70 Virgins in Heaven?

by Lin 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dawn

    Oh that's just great........some poor girl remains a virgin all her life and what does she get? Stuck with an ugly terrorist guy.

    Sure am glad I lost my virginity a while ago.......wonder what I'll get for that?!

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    What about girl terrorists? Will we still enjoy70 virgins? Oh that would be good.

    70 more people to yell at to pick up their freakin clothes off the floor.

    70 more people to yell at to quit chewing their ice so they won't wreck their teeth.

    70 more people to wash clothes for.

    70 more people to make DINNER for?

    I'm outta here. I'll take a drunk any day. They don't care about their teeth, they don't care about their clothes and they DEFINITELY don't want any dinner except beer.

    Country Girl

  • SpannerintheWorks

    That was a dead funny link, Funkyderek!

  • Lin

    LOL Country Girl! I'm with you! Of course, I'd have to go to Heaven singing Shania Twain's song....."Honey, I'm home...and I had a hard day.....pour me a cold one.....rub my feet.....etc etc. LOL

  • outoftheorg

    Tourists all get 70 vestal virgins?

    Hey I am a tourist. Where are they? Bring them on!

    Now honey just relax. You will always be number one with me.

    Honey?? don't-------aaaaahhhh ouch.

    uh outoftheorg oh man.

  • VeniceIT

    You know somone told us that in the original text, the word now translated as 'virgin' was really 'raisin'. I bit of a difference there!!! But it'd be hard to get suicide bombers with only a small box of raisins I guess. now grapes maybe......


  • JT

    MY UNDERSTANDING IS that most of the 70 if not all are prettty ugly-

    my man will get dogged and don't even know it till he gets to heaven TALK ABOUT THE SHAFT

  • Englishman

    I would have thought that 70 sluts would have had more appeal!


  • SYN

    "I Flew A Plane Into The WTC And Killed Thousands, And All I Got Was This Lousy Packet Of Raisins. And I Don't Even Like Raisins!"

  • scumrat

    I agree with englishman.


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