"They streamed across the bridge to Brookl...

by LDH 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Patriot

    Talking about the Brooklyn Bridge, there was a 911 call placed about 1hr an a 1/2 ago about a jumper.

    Sure enough there he was a "floater" as they're known once they die and float upriver.

    There was an empty bottle of wine and some of his clothes on the ledge.

    I wonder if he jumped looking at the WT building and thinking how they never ever did anything for him.


    P.S. Hey Lis' how yoo doin'?

  • JT

    One has to ask can you imagine another religion whose Headquarters was located in such an area, like the Lutherans, Baptist, Mediolist, etc.

    They would have offered help and really it is very easy to understand why, consider as has been pointed out before jw are not known for showing charity, in fact NO ONE CONGO in the USA or anywhere could send money or anything else, UNLESS it was OKed by Brooklyn, /DO/CO

    just imagine if a congo say UP on 145th street and Lenox decided just the BOE to tell the congo, bro the elders met last night and we would like to propose that we seen $500 to the victims familes/Fire station/ etc-- now how would that have went over, well in the Elders meeting any good society man would have protested saying we need to wait on bethel- so there is never any spontanious love or offering ONLY IF IT IS OKED THRU BROOKLN

    any elders who suggested that the congo help would be FORMER ELDERS IN LESS THAN A WEEK.

    SO the basic mindset of jw is to do only what they are told

  • freeman

    Stop bashing the witnesses on this; they did the best with what they had.

    Sure they locked their doors like cowards but they have been condition not to trust the outside world so can you blame them? And anyway who wants a bunch of bleeding people covered in dust in the lobby? Could you imagine what a mess they would make of God house? This would not please him.

    You people are just so quick to criticize the Watchtower that you forgot the great acts of self-interest bravery the witnesses in fact perform at ground zero in the days after Sept 11. Sure lots and lots of people gave money, donated food, and gave changes of clothing to all the volunteers at ground zero, but have you forgotten that only witnesses were out there bringing comfort by selling placing spiritual food in the form of Watchtowers and Awakes. They even did a special reprint of a terrorist related issue so to help take advantage of vulnerable people, and join their cult draw close to God. And did anyone thank them for all this? No, not even the police, they told them to leave.

    Sure lots of Christendoms clergy and lay members were out freely giving of themselves but not one of them was selling placing Gods food at the proper time, and dont you forget that.


  • cruzanheart

    Good one, Freeman! I am so ashamed of the number of times I hid behind those oh-so-pious words as an excuse to not do something material to help someone. I'm trying to make up for it now, and it feels really good. All I can say is, may Jehovah give them exactly what they deserve.

  • ISP

    Brooklyn was too busy trying to get the disaster onto their mags.


  • ronin1

    I go to a congregation in Jamaica, Queens, New York.

    I was one of the many thousands that had to stream across the Brooklyn Bridge on 9/11 to get home safe to Queens.

    There was not one (1) person from Bethel along the way to hand out water, wet towels, etc.

    So much for Christian Love.........

    However, there were many non-JW's helping out along Water Street to the Brooklyn Bridge and on into Brooklyn itself.

    I consider those persons real Christians.


  • guanash

    At the time of the attacks I was in South America, and the reports that came one week after and were read to the congregation said that Bethel had opened its doors and helped the peolpe that were coming from the bridge, giving them water and food, and offering medical attention.

    So, it was not so?

  • LDH


    I love you, man. Been wondering how you were doing. I'll drop ya an email.

    JT, I'll answer your email as soon as I get a second. Today's my fourth anniversary and the baby is sick....so I have limited time.

    GUANASH...please verify.... a letter was read to the congs. in SOUTH AMERICA?!?!?!


  • MikeMusto

    There was not one (1) person from Bethel along the way to hand out water, wet towels, etc

    maybe they thought it was the NYC marathon going reverse, cuz christians dont compete unless it is placing magazines

  • guanash

    yes, the president elder (is that what you call the "PO"?) who is a bethel elder read a report saying that Bethel had opened its doors and helped the damaged ones, giving them immediate attention. It was the comment those days.

    And several months later they read another report with experiences, telling that many had been witnessed, including president Bush.

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