The Truth about Legendary U2K

by Robdar 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    If she is a JW ,could she be disfellowshipped for visiting(and posting on) this website?I wonder what congregation she is associated with?

    dsgal, yes she could get disfellowshipped for being here. I also know which congregation she attended before she moved to another state. However, I see no need in having that happen to her. I wouldn't wish that sort of fate on anybody. I hope that she will get help for her problem. Her husband told me that she won't take her medication.

    I started this thread to try to warn others so that they will not be as badly burned as I was by her. If they want to get to know her better, that is their decision but they can't say that nobody warned them.



  • Legendary U.2.K.
    Legendary U.2.K.

    LMAO... Sorry to break the news but i'm a guy, and Who the hell is Charlie dude? LMAO Hhaha,. Check this in the future right, when you see a 5'9 Built(I weigh around 178) Fine look black guy(Brown-skined middle complexion) with 10 tattoo's and Contacts(blue) and a beard and mustache and a blue bandanna and a kitten in one hand and Me wearing my U2K necklance, then you will understand why i'm not this person.... I'm u2k and that's it! I have 14 alias and none of them is what you think... So um keep trying ok!

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Geez Legendary, whoever you are, whatever you are, you still don't make much sense!


  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    It's medication time medication time... JWD needs a sanitorium, Inductees... U2k certainly. Who else?

    Edited by - The Alchemist on 12 September 2002 22:30:19

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    They're coming to take me away....HAHA

    They're coming to take me away....HAHA

  • ThiChi

    "This topic was meant to enlighten."

    Calling people names (Troll) does not enlighten.

    "If you want her JW viewpoint, you are welcome to it."

    Thats why I post at a JW topic board...duh!

    Someone needs to get a life, and it is not LU2K.......

    Why go out of your way to hurt people?

    Why try to surpass the Jws in the areas of shunning, disfellowshipping and marking?

    Edited by - thichi on 13 September 2002 11:6:49

    Edited by - thichi on 13 September 2002 11:11:49

  • ThiChi

    "she could get disfellowshipped for being here"

    This is a red herring. You could get disfellowshipped for posting apostate posts, however, I have never ever seen anyone disfellowshipped for witnessing on the internet.

    As an Elder, we had a person who posted at boards like this. He showed he was posting pro JW stuff. In the end, we could not stop him, however, he could not claim the time, according to the CO.

    At any rate, we should want pro Jws to post they can consider all viewpoints, IMHO

  • Robdar

    Hmm Tai Chi,

    You seem to be very sensitive about the subject of U2K. You said:

    "If you want her JW viewpoint, you are welcome to it." Thats why I post at a JW topic board...duh

    This is a forum to discuss JW's and anything related. If you think that we are mostly JW's on this board, you haven't been paying much attention. Most of us are xJW's trying to recover from the damage done to us by the WTS. JW's are welcome here but are not the norm. If you want her JW opinions, why don't you just go back to the KH? Or, maybe you already attend the KH?

    What exactly does Legendary contribute to the board? She comes on the board to stir up the flames. Her basic message is that JW's are right, we are wrong and of course stupid and will suffer at the hands of God for our stupidity.

    Why try to surpass the Jws in the areas of shunning, disfellowshipping and marking?

    I didn't ask anybody to shun her or disfellowship her. There seem to be many that get angry with her posts. I was merely informing them as to why she is the way she is. Her illogical statements and dellusional rantings are a great example to non JW's about how messed up JW's as a group are. Why would I not want her to post? She is such a great witness for Jehovah.

    It seems though, in your last post, that you are trying to mark me because you do not agree with me. Since I obviously irritate you, why don't you just shun me? I won't miss you or your comments at all.

    Tai Chi, I would say that you, too, need to get a life.



    Edited because I can't spell today.

    Edited by - robdar on 13 September 2002 11:31:30

    Edited by - robdar on 13 September 2002 11:51:11

    Edited by - robdar on 13 September 2002 12:24:0

  • ThiChi

    "You seem to be very sensitive about the subject of U2K."

    You are right, I do seem to be intolerant of negative, counter productive posts geared to specific persons. If an unfair, name calling, or unfriendly post was started about you, you would have my support.

    "This is a forum to discuss JW's and anything related. If you think that we are mostly JW's on this board, you haven't been paying much attention."

    Who said anything about who is a JW and who is not? The issue is that JW topics are discussed here, so, one would suppose that Pro Jws will join the conversation....duh

    "Most of us are xJW's trying to recover from the damage done to us by the WTS."

    You seem to give the WT a run for its money. By your treatment of posters like LU2, I consider your actions like someone who is a hipocrite. LU2 is worthy of our patience and hopfully she will come around. LU2 posting here is a good start. Don't act like that which you hate.

    "JW's are welcome here but are not the norm. If you want her JW opinions, why don't you just go back to the KH?"

    I believe you would fair much better than me at the KH. You seem to have that judgementilism stuff down very well. You should start a "XJW that did not learn a damn thing"" board. Be a free thinker, not hurtful because LU2 is not where most of us are now.

    "What exactly does Legendary contribute to the board?"

    The "what have you done for us lately" mentality is so JW like. Are you sure you do not go to a KH? Lets help without wanting something in return, who cares if she is not ready to help others yet.+

    "She comes on the board to stir up the flames."

    Pot calling the kettle black?

    "Her basic message is that JW's are right, we are wrong and of course stupid and will suffer at the hands of God for our stupidity."

    Sounds like how you feel about the Jws, so what? If you want truth, everyone should be free to say what they think without fear.

    "I didn't ask anybody to shun her or disfellowship her."

    What do you call your post then? Hurtful and divisive.

    " There seem to be many that get angry with her posts."

    Who made you our spokesperson? Who cares? Live and let live. Lets use information and love to change LU2, not your petty name calling.....

    I hope you will take my current viewpoints to heart.

    Edited by - thichi on 13 September 2002 13:43:45

    Edited by - thichi on 13 September 2002 13:44:40

    Edited by - thichi on 13 September 2002 13:51:32

    Edited by - thichi on 13 September 2002 13:54:23

  • ThiChi

    PS: If you really want to help the XJW cause, then address the issues and not the person. Poor argumentation through singling out, or name calling will not help anyone or any issue.

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