WT. Pays $30,000 Pollution Fine
by JWrobot 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals
As JT would say, "I love this net thang"
Beat you to it JT!
Max Larson signed this ck baby
How in the name of Gehenna did you get a hold of this? Good job!
Anyone want to donate?
that's alot of contributions from people down the toilet... So much for those little kids that save for months and send in five bucks...
People responsible for things like this need to be disciplined. You can't piss away hard earned money that people set asside for "the world-wide work" like this.
and Simonis in Treasury signed, too
How did you find this?? Incredible!
Good Job!
"How did I get hold of this?"
After receiving the 11 pages from NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation of Wt. violations. I requested The Exact amount Watchtower paid to date.
I'd like to know whick bank they use. Does anyone know how to track down a routing number? According to the check, it is "021309434". I have browsed around the internet, but could not find a free service.
The account number is: 755002636
(Reading checks... one of the benifits of having worked in the IT dept of a bank )
Bank is in top left corner (it appears crumbled)
JPMorgan Chase Bank
Syracuse NY 13206