What's Wrong With FLORIDA? John Stossel of ABC's "Give Me A Break" on 20/20 will be giving us more insight into what's wrong with Florida tomorrow night...
From: John Stossel [email protected]
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 16:54:26 -0700
Subject: Stossel's "Family Fix" and "Give Me a Break" This Friday on 20/20
Hi. This week I have two pieces. First a story about "perfectionism." We meet a girl so eager for perfection ... it's wrecked her life. But I assume you subscribed to this e-mail because of the column:
This week's "Give Me a Break" is about Florida's new adoption law. It passed overwhelmingly. When politicians vote for things OVERWHELMINGLY, watch out -- it's often when the worst ideas become intrusive law.
Florida's new law is supposed to "protect" adoptions, but I think it will lead to FEWER adoptions, and more abortions. Let me explain... or better yet, we let Melissa Colleran explain. She is an 18-year-old girl living in Tampa, Fla., who is seven months pregnant. Who's the father? Colleran says she doesn't know; he was a stranger she met in a bar. Melissa Colleran: "It was a one night stand, something that just happened, maybe it shouldn't have happened, but it happened."
So what will become of her baby? Melissa's unemployed, and barely able to pay rent. "I don't think I'm emotionally or financially ready to take care of a child." So she wanted to put the baby up for adoption. But the new Florida law decrees that before an adoption can take place birth mothers must advertise in newspapers to try and find the biological father. Colleran would have to list the name of every possible father, and her name. You should see the ads! They say things like "To: "Bill", "Joe" or "Tom" ...conception occurred in West Palm Beach...etc." Colleran said, "I think this is disgusting, it makes me feel very ashamed." So ashamed that she will not run one of the ads. "It is something that should be between me and the person I shared it with, not me, the person I shared it with, the guy down the block, and the guy who is reading the newspaper across from me on a bus."
Adoption lawyers say the new law means fewer children are being adopted, and sure enough, Colleran now will keep her baby and try to raise him as a single mom. Other women are aborting babies.
So why require these ads? Because of famous horror stories like Baby Jessica's. She was taken from her adopted home when her biological father suddenly appeared and said he didn't know he had a child, and no one tried to find him. (But will ads make a difference? Who reads them? I don't.) The ads may satisfy the state's requirements, but the lawyers we talked to didn't know of any father who'd responded to one. Some lawyers call legal notices "legal fictions" (more make-work for lawyers).
I interview one the lawyers who helped write Florida's new law, and who says requiring the ads is a "good idea." Attorney Deborah Marks: "If we could stop even one of those cases from happening by doing some due process up front, it would be a benefit."
Even someone who has been raped has to do this? "There is no exception for rape. You cannot just allow someone to say they were raped and use that as an excuse not to provide a name."
Give Me A Break. Florida's new law will discourage adoption, encourage abortion, and lead 18-year-olds to keep babies even if they are not prepared to care for them.
Edited by - Grits on 19 September 2002 21:4:33