Do You Like Where You Live?

by MegaDude 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I certainly enjoy living in WSM, I'm 300 yards from the sea and we have the second highest tide in the world....we also have the second LOWEST tide in the world too!

    Tonights warm and balmy, temp in the 70's, looking forward to an evening pint soon.

    WSM is an old Victorian-build town, parts of it are charming some of it is bloody awful. There's 1000's of large old houses that are split up into flats now, the downside comes when the DSS buy one and move in a problem family close by. I still love the place though.


  • MegaDude

    I live 30 miles from Dallas in Fort Worth. The smog is just as bad there in the summertime.

    *hack hack*

  • StinkyPantz

    I live in Wichita, Kansas and hate it! It's flat and boring! But I'm moving to Florida next summer, so it's all good.

  • Prisila

    Culver City, CA is the best.

    I LOVE IT!!! I spent this past weekend there. 3 miles away from all kinds of beaches a perfect 75 degrees all year round. Not too metropolitan, and or over-crowded like Los Angeles. Diverse culturally. People are nice. Homes are beautiful. NO SMOG.

    I don't live there now, but i'd give anything to be there. I lived there all my life until 7 years ago. Worst mistake ever!!! :(

    I believe I'm moving back no later than January 2003.

  • happy man
    happy man

    Smog what is that?

    here we have the most beautiful summer in 100 year, 25-30 digrees celcius warm, sens maj.

    Some heavy rain storms also, so we have so green here and fresch air, almost to much oxigen.

    Thats SWEDEN

  • LyinEyes

    I would love to live somewhere eles, but this is home for now. When our kids grow up and we are alone the old man and I want to travel, get a motor home and a bike. I love to travel but havent been very far. I love the weather in Denver, CO. But for those of us who are below sealevel, like here in Louisiana, it makes you physically sick to go that high in the mountains, takes about 2 weeks to learn how to breathe. But man, once you are there it is heaven, the air is so much lighter up there and there is no hellish humidity. But I like living in the southern states and the people here are different. I guess I get homesick and long to hear others who have the same country accent. I think Kentucky and Tenn and beautiful too. I would love to plant myself by some body of water, in the moutains a lake, or by the ocean would be perfect. God I wish I could win the Power Ball!!!!!!!!!!!

  • caligirl

    Yes... Southern CA is awesome... sun, sand, sushi, theater, plenty to do... can't ask more than that! Definitely wouldn't go back to snow and mud season for anything!

  • SweatPea

    I live in a small town in the foothills of NC. It's a nice little town. Just farmers, banks and eating places. No family.......oh I forgot, they shun me!

    I have had the pleasure of visiting other parts of the US. My job requires me to travel. Denver, Colorado is absolutely the most beautiful place. The sunsets will take your breath. Temecula & San Diego, California are nice towns. My favorite place is Hoquiam, Washington. I lived there in the 60's. I felt so good (physically) when I lived there. When the sky is is blueeeee.

  • D8TA

    Lets see:

    I use to live in Seattle, WA U.S.A. it was great: Green trees, fresh air, snow in the winter, sun in the summer...

    I now live in Rio De Janeiro....polluted water yah, air quality is pretty okay because Im in Copacabana so the geography of the land blocks a lotta of the inner city pollution....

    I spend lots of time in Ipanema....

    The green Atlantic ocean...


    Terrific sun rises...

    Mysterious sun sets...

    Do I like where I live?'s terrible

    Because Mrs. D8TA isn"t here * sigh *

    But when she arrives...



  • MegaDude

    Denver, Colorado is a beautiful place, BUT......

    it is smoggy also. Last time I went skiing, we flew into Denver and you could see the smog layer over the entire city. They can't even burn wood in their fire places the air quality gets so bad.

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