Hi All,
I just became a greatgranfather. It is a perfectly healthy boy, and also beautiful. When you see a new born baby it makes you think about how all this life came about even more. If there is a God who made all this, why couldn't he communicate with us except by some old man that we never saw or knew who supposedly wrote it down thousands of years ago and his words are usually explained to mean something different from what he said by those who claim God's inspiration. Mankind needs a positive word fom God that could not be mistaken as just some human's idea of what God expects of us. I have prayed with tears asking to know him, but so far I have no answer.
How did I get off on that subject, anyway he was 8#s 4oz. It looked so sweet to see my grandson holding him. He insisted that I hold him, I'm a little nervous holding a newborn, but it was great. I can't believe I'm getting that old. I'll post a picture soon.
Ken P.