I have ben toying with this for some time to take under such a big job--and should it be book length / booklet or even a tract or a mere essay..it has me stumpt big time...I need some input is anyone interested or should just I just forgetthe whole frigin thing and just stick with things like writing about my MOM Helen (decd) my Brother Larry (decd) and Skippy my first dog I ever had now also (decd) try to leave as much as possible about JW crap and write about things that make me feel ok and not depressed -- PLEASE I would like to put in book form eventually..THANKs in advance everyone..LINDA LOU aka queenie
THE STORY OF MY LIFE growing up a JW by queenie
by QUEENIE 14 Replies latest jw experiences
Double Edge
Go for it, it can't hurt. Take it a page at a time. The hardest part about writing is opening up a blank page and hitting the first key. Just write, start at some incident, or at the beginning, or the middle, or whatever. Just start filling a page, then two. Write a little, leave it a while and come back. You can arrange and rearrange later.
If anything it might be theraputic.Me..I'm more of bury it and make new happy memories.
Writing out my own story was INCREDIBLY cathartic - it made me feel a lot better to go through everything again and reassured me that I was on the right course...go for it QUEENIE!
If you think that being a Jw is a bunch of crap, why do you still think wbout it?
MY MOM HELEN MY BROTHER LARRY and MY DOG SKIPPY now decd were not crap and I would appreciate they would not be addressed as such..I think I will start my booklet---the good memories I will put to paper and anything else that I deem as CRAP I will delete from memory as much as possible..no one can totally forget any thing be it good or bad--unless one developes AMNESIA..I saw the movie the other night MY DOG SKIP and then a flood of memories of my dog SKIPPY from 40 YRS ago..came forth -- yes tears and all which also included JW stuff / feelings / thoughts from deep with in...oh how I loved my SKIPPY DOG my BEST FRIEND from age 4 till he died in my senior year in high school..LUCKY DOG he never had to go out in door to door / meetings OR assemblies -- damned lucky indeed...he was always there 4 me when I finally got back though !!!! MY BESTEST FRIEND SKPPY..After all these years SKIPPY I still remember U--I love you !!! QUEENIE
I wrote about SKIPPY yesterday...NOW NEXT WILL BE MOM AND LARRY (now decd) the only time other JWs come to mind is when they cross paths and fit in the story...HAVE A GREAT SUNDAY GUYS (((((((((hugs)))))) QUEENIE
Lady Lee
Go slow, breathe and keep writing
Miko, miko, miko, tsk tsk tsk. "If you think that being a Jw is a bunch of crap, why do you still think wbout it?" Having been born and raised a jw, spending the first 35 years of my life a dub, it is unfortunately something I will never be able to erase from my mind, much as I'd like to. Those who were converted into it later in their lives have a "before" image of themselves that they can go back to. Those of us who were born and raised into it, don't have that luxury. It's ALL we ever knew, it made up Who we are/were; decided what we would become to some degree; what level of education we would inevitably have; what career choices we had available to us; whether we married or didn't; have children or didn't; who we were allowed to marry; what can or cannot go on in our bedrooms; who we can or cannot talk to or socialize with; whether we ate turkey on a particular day of the year; whether we give presents to those we care about on particular days of the year. Our entire lives were dictated by the hierarchy in New York City. Unfortunately, it's a part of us that may never be removed from our thought processes/memories. The ONLY thing that I'm glad I have gotten from having been a dub, is that through the Theocratic Ministry School, I am able to speak with ease in front of large or small gatherings with intelligence. Dubs are required to accept the org as the mouthpiece of God, and that is simply wrong, wrong, wrong. God given intelligence and thinking abilities are drowned out by the requirement to accept every syllable that comes from the G.B, and if you dare to question anything or doubt the scriptural truth of what is dictated, than you are in big...trouble buddy. If that's the way you choose to live your life, that's fine, go for it. But, I will never again allow anyone to tell me what I have to believe just because they said so.