Thanks for the recommendation, that is one I have not read, I think I will head down to the book store tomorrow and pick it up, my book collection has grown a little stagnant. I'm still battling to keep my interest in The Jesus Mysteries. Frankly I have grown tired with all the anti-bible stuff I have been reading. It's time to get back into the brain again, I find it a lot more fascinating and answers a lot more questions in a more logical and believable manner.
With the advancements in computer technology the amount they are learning about the human brain is growing by leaps and bounds. There has been more discovered about the brain and what makes it tick in the last five to ten years than in all of previous history combined. Once they completely understand how the human brain works they can unlock most of the mysteries in the universe including the most mysterious question of what women want. I think they are still a few thousand years away from figuring that one out.
I have been keeping up on a few experiments in the realm of the sixth sense and its unknown power. Some of it is a bit hard to swallow but a lot of the experiments are pretty fascinating. My minds jury is still out in regard to remote viewing but some pretty interesting experiments are being done by several eastern universities. One of the big ones is getting people to manipulate machines from a remote location by using only their thoughts. A couple of years back an experiment was conducted on a quadriplegic patient who lost his ability to speak. A type of computer chip was implanted into his brain and he was able to move a cursor on a computer monitor by thinking about where he wanted it to go. This was an incredibly ground breaking experiment and the ramifications about where it could lead are limitless.
One of the earliest experiments with the brain and electricity was the placing of electric probes into someone temporal cortex. I believe this was done in the late 50's. The electrodes sparked several vivid memories in the subject being tested that were so strong he could both smell and taste the things he was remembering. As I said before, it's all up there, we just need to find a better way of getting it all out.
I am convinced by what I have read and observed that the majority of things mystical are as the say all in our minds. A complete explanation of what I think and why I think it would be too long as a post on this board. Combining some cultural and psychological needs of every human to be loved and accepted by others as well as the validation of a group to give ones insecurities some substance in an effort to make them feel more secure is to me the main reason religion exists. There has been too much attention put on what religion is the right or wrong than there has been on why we have religion in the first place and its real value to humanity. History has proven, religion has done more damage to human kind than it has done good.