Demons, hallucinations, hypnotism, and our brains.

by seven006 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • BadJerry

    Yes, a very interesting thread. I'll add an experience that a group of classmates and I experienced back in the early '70's. (and no "orange sunshine" involved). A couple of us got together from our psychology class after I read about an experience Joseph Pearce had reported in his book. We would let the TA (teaching assistant) who knew how to hypnotize us, put the two of us under, then get each of us to take the other to the next level. At each level, we would describe what we saw and then proceed to the next...After several levels (I recall about 5), we had created a common picture of a world where, it appeared, we could have a conversation that was completely encapsulated in the hypnotic environment. In other words, the group that was observing us didn't hear a verbal conversation between us, but we both related the same things that were said. The person I did this with was so taken aback by the whole thing, she refused to do it again. The people I tried it with afterward, were unable to get to that depth...anyway, since then, I've had a slightly tilted look at how the brain and what we call "mind" function. I have to admit, the witness time put a temporary lid on the search for the meaning of this, but now??????????????????????????


  • seven006


    We have had discussions about the new age and or UFO cults before. I'll bet those guys are a lot of fun to party with. It's amazing how completely lost people can get to buy into such bullshit. I blame it on additives and preservatives in breakfast cereal.


    Hypnotism is an extremely fascinating phenomenon. The best I can explain it is a very intense controlled daydream. I have put people under several different levels, from just above a day dream to a level that they do not recall anything that happened during the session. I have not been trained far enough to be as in-depth as some and without further training what I do can borderlines being a bit psychologically dangerous for anyone who has any psycological problems. I choose those whom I have put under very carefully. I think it's why my small circle of friends is diminishing. Some people just can't take a joke.

    I got interested in hypnosis when I was fairly young. The JW's preached the fact that it was demonized which is complete bullshit. As a young JW boy around five years of age I use to put myself into a deep daydream during the meetings in an effort to block them out. When I got older I told a therapist friend about what I did as a kid and she explained to me that I was doing transcendental meditation at an extremely young age. It worked great, I'd go under and when I cam out the hour meeting only seemed like it was a couple of minutes. That little trick I did is what got me into studying hypnosis as well as the brain and psychology. It takes fucking with someone's head to a whole new level. It's no wonder I can't keep a girlfriend.


  • Satanus

    I just finished reading a book by a doctor who thinks that most psychic/spiritual stuff is facilitated by the right frontal lobe of the brain. He sites experiments where parts of this part of the brain were stimulated w electrodes, making people have psychic/spiritual experiences/memories. Some naturally are more active in this area. Others can get this part of the brain going by repetitious prayer, chanting, meditation, worship, etc. Doing these exercises in a group multiplies the effect.

    The book, 'where god lives', by melvin morse,

    If this right frontal lobe/spirit world connection proved to be true, a question could be posed, is it normal/natural for people to have these experiences? If so, then we evolved w this ability, and it is just another sense, a sixth sense, which that part of the brain is involved in.


  • seven006


    Thanks for the recommendation, that is one I have not read, I think I will head down to the book store tomorrow and pick it up, my book collection has grown a little stagnant. I'm still battling to keep my interest in The Jesus Mysteries. Frankly I have grown tired with all the anti-bible stuff I have been reading. It's time to get back into the brain again, I find it a lot more fascinating and answers a lot more questions in a more logical and believable manner.

    With the advancements in computer technology the amount they are learning about the human brain is growing by leaps and bounds. There has been more discovered about the brain and what makes it tick in the last five to ten years than in all of previous history combined. Once they completely understand how the human brain works they can unlock most of the mysteries in the universe including the most mysterious question of what women want. I think they are still a few thousand years away from figuring that one out.

    I have been keeping up on a few experiments in the realm of the sixth sense and its unknown power. Some of it is a bit hard to swallow but a lot of the experiments are pretty fascinating. My minds jury is still out in regard to remote viewing but some pretty interesting experiments are being done by several eastern universities. One of the big ones is getting people to manipulate machines from a remote location by using only their thoughts. A couple of years back an experiment was conducted on a quadriplegic patient who lost his ability to speak. A type of computer chip was implanted into his brain and he was able to move a cursor on a computer monitor by thinking about where he wanted it to go. This was an incredibly ground breaking experiment and the ramifications about where it could lead are limitless.

    One of the earliest experiments with the brain and electricity was the placing of electric probes into someone temporal cortex. I believe this was done in the late 50's. The electrodes sparked several vivid memories in the subject being tested that were so strong he could both smell and taste the things he was remembering. As I said before, it's all up there, we just need to find a better way of getting it all out.

    I am convinced by what I have read and observed that the majority of things mystical are as the say all in our minds. A complete explanation of what I think and why I think it would be too long as a post on this board. Combining some cultural and psychological needs of every human to be loved and accepted by others as well as the validation of a group to give ones insecurities some substance in an effort to make them feel more secure is to me the main reason religion exists. There has been too much attention put on what religion is the right or wrong than there has been on why we have religion in the first place and its real value to humanity. History has proven, religion has done more damage to human kind than it has done good.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    hey Dave. Hypnosis is an interest of mine too. Ive got quite a number of Bandler and Grinder books and a book by Erickson called "Creative choice in hypnosis". I suppose these have been of use to me in reframing some experiences from my past and Im more aware of peoples reactions and what I am saying when I talk to people, but the mystery of inducing a trance in others eludes me. Ive looked all over the net in times past for some detailed information on trance induction, but havent found much I could use. It seems to be information that isnt generally available. Ericksons book has quite a list of available publications in the back.

    Any suggestions where id find some straight dope on trance induction in others? I dont need help to induce trance in myself, Im off the planet most of the time....( thought Id say that before you could, lol.)

  • Satanus

    I see dave hasn't responded till now, so i'll give a suggestion. Some hypnotherapists give lessons. Why not check your area?

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    SS. I did, last year, look into it a bit, theres an institute that does training in my vicinity but its 2000 bucks for the course. 1 night a week and every sunday for 6 months. If I ever get 2000 bucks i dont need, I'll surely give it a go.

  • Satanus


    That sounds a bit steep. Maybe some individual guys have started giving lessons since then. I found some mp3's of erickson giving instructions on hypnotising hard to hypnotise people. He was supposed to have been one of the best. See How did it go when you tried to put somebody under?


  • seven006


    I learned the basics of hypnotism from a stage performer back when I lived in Laguna Beach. He had been working at a large nightclub in Glendale and I was dating one of the cocktail waitresses who worked there. We got to be friends and he seemed to think I had what it took to master it. I learned a lot about it from a few books that he recommended as well as some personal instruction. I later wanted to know more about exactly what it was as opposed to just being able to do it. A good book for that is "Hypnotism" by Carl Sexus.

    There are a couple of other books that I would recommend, one is Hypnosis for beginners (I don't remember the authors name right now) and Trance Formations by John Grinder. Reading books is a good way to start but personal instruction to learn about some of the things to watch out for is important.

    I use to put my exgirfriend under all the time. At first it was for fun but later it brought out some fairly serious problems she had suffered as a young girl including her elder JW father molesting her and raping her. After those more serious sessions she became quite upset and stayed in a bad mood for the next day or so. You have to be careful how far you go with it. With most people you put under it becomes increasingly easier to put them under the more you do it. After a while in the right setting I could put her under using just a few words. She suffered from panic attacks and I used hypnotism to help her relax and cut down on the attracts. Until right before we broke up she had completely quit having the attacks.

    Until you get good at it putting people under usually take about five minutes. You relax them and have them focus on a specific object in the room like a candle light or something with a hard light reflection on it. You then have them close their eyes and think about a pleasant place like a secluded beach or a garden setting. You take them through a few steps as you take them deeper and deeper into the trance. The counting backwards from ten to one is also essential at first as you take them deeper. The books I recommended give a detail step by step approach to those steps.

    There are several techniques use to take people under. The progressive colored room technique works the best for me. You need to remember that anyone you put under will not do or say anything they would not normally do or say in a non-hypnotic state. You also have to be sure that if you intend to have fun with your friends that you do not wake them up in a situation that may shock them. I had a few girlfriends in the past wake up in the same chair they were sitting in when I put them under but when they awaken they are nude. Most of the time that is great fun, a couple of times it was a bit of a shock.

    I will try to dig up a few of my old notes if I can find them and post it here. Most of my stuff is in storage but I think I might know where my hypnotism notes are. If you are going to do this remember that not everyone can be put under. If you ask someone if you can hypnotize them and they say go ahead and try but you probably can't do it to them don't waste your time. Find someone who finds it interesting and is willing to cooperate.

    Take care,


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