I don't think it was for publicity. I figure it was some witness protection type deal.
A Dedication to Tupac Shakur
by Reborn2002 23 Replies latest jw friends
I meant no disrespect.
I was thinking more on the terms of saving his life,,, ie, not getting assassinated. I was most definitely not implying a publicity stunt.
As I said, I don't know any of the circumstances, eg, coroner's report, witnesses, etc. Think I'll do some reading on it, just for curiosity's sake. And listen to some of his music if it's on youtube.
A lot of my younger friends are really moved by his lyrics, and I feel it's worth this old gal giving him a listen! :) Looking forward to the doc, too. Thanks for bringing this BTTT.
*edited to say,,, yes, exactly ... witness-protection-type thing, that would be nice, but prolly a fantasy, hey?*
Let's just respect his legacy. I am a youth worker and he nailed the 90's and early 2000's. I lost a few young men in the turmoil that he spoke of. When I hear his songs, I shed a private tear for those lost souls who couldn't live in this mad world...
This song of Tupac's says alot about what he was going thorough.