How did we EVER do it all?!??!?!

by poohbear1962 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • poohbear1962

    Hello everyone,

    There has been something that has been bothering the "Engineer" part of me for a lonnnng while. We have heard it from the platform time and time again about what we SHOULD be doing as "Servants of God". So, today I FINALLY sat down and calculated if it is even POSSIBLE to do all of the study, meetings, field service, secular work, school, etc, etc.

    Assumptions: This is based on a married brother, with two shool-age children, who is NOT a ministerial servant, and who is ONLY putting in 2 hours a week in the field ministry. Here is my Excel spreadsheet. Please advise if I have left anything out, ok??

    TaskCommentsTotal Time (Hours)
    Attend Meetings
    Public Talk and WatchtowerNOTE: Meeting Attendance Time assumes a 1hour drive time (1/2 hour each way), plus 1 hour time to get ready (shower, dress, etc)4
    Theocratic School and Svc Meeting 3.5
    Book Study 3
    Study/Preparation Time
    Study w/ Family 1
    PREPARE for family studyPreparation COULD take longer...1
    Study with mate 1
    PREPARE for study w/ matePreparation COULD take longer...1
    Field ServiceIncludes same prep as meetings (2 hours travel and prep) PLUS additional 1/2 hour for meeting and travel to territory5.5
    PREPARE for field service 0.5
    Bible reading15 mins/day x 7 days1.75
    Personal Study 1
    Study Projects 0.5
    Prepare talks for Ministry SchoolFiguring minimum 4 hours prep work to give one talk a month = 1 hour (avg) per week1
    Physical Health Issues
    Eating30 mins per meal, 3 meals a day, 7 days a week = 10.5 hours/week10.5
    Sleeping8 hrs/nite X 7 nites56
    Help Children w/ homework2 children, 15 mins minimum per child, 5 days a week = 2.5 hours2.5
    RecreationMaybe a movie, a picnic, or a hike4
    Spend time with spouseTalking, walking, emotional support1
    HousekeepingCooking, cleaning, laundry, car maintenance, etc - 1 hour/day7
    Personal Hygene Showering in the morning, shaving, brushing teeth, waste elimination, etc (assuming 1 hour per day)7
    Work (or school with homework)Minimum 9 hours/day, plus travel time (1/2 each way) = 50 hours MIN (assuming NO overtime!)50
    Available hours per week = 24x7 = 168
    Extra "spare" hours for "buying out the opportune time" (for PRAYER, bible studies, additional field activity, hobbies, pets, overtime at work, association with brothers, secular studies, TV, movies, "marital due", etc, etc)5.25

    SO, after all is said and done, we have a "spare" 5.25 hours for the extra little nice things... no WONDER we could never do it all, and suffered the associated guilt of "falling short"!!!

    Take care,


  • cruzanheart

    Wow. That really put it in perspective! I always suspected I was fighting a losing battle. I'm amazed at how relaxed I am now that I don't have all of that hanging over my head every week. But the schedule serves a useful purpose: it's guaranteed to keep people from having the time to even think about association outside the organization. I took our kids to a school skating party last night - a Thursday - something that would have been verboten in the old days because of (1) association and (2) [gasp!] we would've missed book study. Well, we had a great time. It was wonderful to hear my Jennie squeal along with three other girls from her class when they realized they were all there, and they went off to skate together, hand in hand in hand, happy as clams. My 6-year-old got on skates for the first time and practised determinedly until he saw the X-Men video game, and then he and several other little boys robbed me of all my quarters and happily discussed strategy and bad guys for the rest of the party. Gee whiz, I even got to talk to adults! About normal, everyday stuff! Weird and wonderful.


  • dsgal


    DON'T REMIND ME! God, I don't know how I ever did it with two small children,a full-time job and a husband who was always trying to get me to stop going.I truly don't believe that Jesus meant for his true followers to be burdened down like that.That's one thing I started thinking about before I made the decision to fade away.Now my life is much less stressful.

  • FreeWilly


    When I was at Bethel I did the exact same thing! With the "bethel schedule" I actually came out with a ~3 hr deficit!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    I remember years ago some Circuit overseer said that Brothers preparing a one hour Public Talk should do one hours research for each minute of talk time. If you were an elder, at that rate youd be full time preparing Public Talks and Service Meeting talks.

  • Wren

    I wrote out a similar time management report nearly 20 yrs ago when my children were young, also. Please add give more $$$ & pioneer (like the Japanese). Went from guilty irregular witness to fade away. It was time to wake up and join the real world.

  • SYN

    DSGal: Jesus never told his followers to follow the teachings of a CULT! And yeah, it is ridiculous isn't it?

  • Nanoprobe

    One thing about a schedule like that: IT PREVENTED ANY ADDITIONAL SECULAR EDUCATION.

    I am going to college this semester and I really enjoy it. I was wondering why I didn't go to school during my 27 years in the org. and I remembered. For two semesters I took a Monday night class but with a full time job (one hour commute each way) and the meetings and service, plus cooking, laundry, housework etc I was just too exhausted. And so I quit the class which is the only choice I could have made with the peer pressure/congregational influence involved.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Jehovah's Witnesses and their demands on your time: a hunger that never dies.

  • ISP

    It was hard to do it you felt the guilt. Also the family would suffer. Glad I am out!


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