This is my first time posting. I have been reading all the post for about 6 months. I now have gotten up enough nerve to post. My main reason is to say thank you too all who post here. You are all very dear people. you have disagreements and you speak your minds but you have brought much sanity to many people. I know of several people who come to this site (like me) who have kept silent because of the mind games that have been played on us. within the past couple of years i have seen first hand the back stabing and meaness this wonderful loving org can be. i have used this site as a sanity base for some time. many need to know that they are not the crazy or bad people just because the do not approve of the thing jw people do in gods name. thank you all again and please keep up the good work
thank all of you for your help
by sister grace 22 Replies latest jw friends
Nathan Natas
Aw shucks, ma'am, ain't nothin'... even though I know you don't mean me.
I'll tell you a secret- the only difference between those of us who post and those of us who lurk is that the posters post. We are not cut of any different cloth than you; we do not have greater insights or greater senses of humor than you. When you are ready to post, you'll be amazing Grace (I hope our original Amazing doesn't object).
As for me, I'm just here for the snacks - I swear that Simon must be personal friends with Jamie Oliver - have you seen the buffet out there on the veranda? It's positively pukka!
Edited by - Nathan Natas on 14 September 2002 0:40:54
Legendary U.2.K.
HELLO & Welcome to the Board
WELCOME GRACE! tEdited by - Swan on 14 September 2002 2:27:20
i have used this site as a sanity base for some time.
me too! scary isn't it!? lol.
Welcome sister grace. very nice opening post.
wish u well, whereever yer at.
Been there
Sister Grace,
Welcome to the board and thank you for the kind words.
This place sure is addicting is'nt it?
So glad you are here in spirit if nothing else.
Welcome Sister Grace
nice to meet you,,,,welcome....
Sister Grace,
Posts like yours affirm the value of this board. We're so glad it has helped you even if in a small way. The main message of the board is -- your life is yours, your decisions are yours, be who you want to be and what you want to be and there is no need to apologize to any man or group of men.
The JW's often quote Paul's words at 2 Corinthians 3:17, "Where the spirit of Jehovah is, there is freedom". That is about the MOST self-condemning scripture they could ever use.
And how about this one? 2 Peter 3:19, "While they are promising them freedom, they themselves exist as slaves of corruption". The JW's promise people freedom, but instead tie them down. And the corruption exists in terms of countless scandals, the latest one being child molestation coveup.
Hopefully no earnest reader of this board will EVER feel guilt over questioning and/or abandoning this organization that treats people like pawns (to put it mildly).
Edited by - Gopher on 14 September 2002 8:22:14
Welcome to the Board, sister grace!
It's nice to have you join us!